Reviews for Monsters: A Thor and Being Human crossover
ShaiGar chapter 5 . 1/1/2019
This whole fight with Thors friends doesn't make any sense. They know that Loki is a God, and if they know of Loki, then they know Thor is far more powerful.

Also, Annie didn't get screamy when the vampire came into their home and attacked. She recognised that he was more powerful than her, and could do most people in her house damage, but then saw that Loki was able to ragdoll him. She should have that same instinctual wariness/fear of Thor.
ShaiGar chapter 4 . 1/1/2019
So, they're really not comprehending that he's actually a God, are they?
Guest chapter 11 . 12/13/2017
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Even being unfamiliar with Being Human, I was able to follow the story and become attached even to those characters who ere unfamiliar to me. I really liked how you gradually showed Loki healing and I loved the forgiveness scene with Odin, especially how Loki no longer worried about how others perceived him but instead took comfort in the presence of his family - those who truly mattered.

Thank you for the amazing read.
die Otter chapter 11 . 3/30/2017
I loved this story. It contains perfect amounts of fluff and angst, adventure, humour and emotion. I quite like Being Human, but I'd never imagine that it's possible to crossover (is it a verb? XD) it with Marvel. And yet in your story it's all very natural and believable. I really like the way you portrayed the characters from both those worlds. Also, I totally ship Loki with Annie now. And Loki with rhinoceroses. XD
Milly the Dragon chapter 11 . 10/2/2016
That was amazing. I haven't seen much of Being Humans, merely the first few episodes at a friend's place, but that probably added to the awesome, as I'm not sure where the plot should have gone.
Loki needed that. The whole redemption arc, beautifully written, exactly what he needed, I'm sure. Great portrayal of his character, loved it.
fullsignal chapter 11 . 2/9/2016
Inconspicuous-Wizard chapter 11 . 9/19/2015
This was an AWESOME crossover fanfic~! :D :D :D
I have never watched - or even heard of - Being Human but it sounds like an awesome show. And I only recently started getting into Marvel as well, having previously only watched Spiderman, The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor and the first X-Men movie (and Guardians of the Galaxy, but only because my Marvel-crazy friends forced me to go with them - I ended up loving it, mostly because of Chris Pratt). As soon as I re-watched Thor after years of not watching again, I fell completely in love with Tom Hiddleston which is why I am now into Marvel and why I have read this amazing story.
The subtle build-up of Loki's friendship with the Housemates and his relationship with Annie was also great to read - his character development while living with them was amazing to read. :)
I'm off to go read the rest of this series and I can't wait to see what happens next~!
babydragonXXX chapter 11 . 6/20/2015
I am currently rereading this delightful series and reading it aloud to my 11 year old dyslexic sister and she wants to leave the following comments.

I really like this series so far and I think you should give yourself more credit for this crossover. I really like reading your stories because it means me and my sister get to spend more time together reading a fantastic story. My favourite part of this story was when Mitchell and George find out there is a demi-god sitting in their living room. It was very funny.
Whispers in the Void chapter 11 . 5/27/2015
I can't even articulate what I want to say about this fic, other than it is freaking awesome! You'll never know how hard it is not to use all caps in that statement xD
I am very glad I discovered these at this point in time, so that I can immediately go on to the sequel!
Whispers in the Void chapter 10 . 5/27/2015
I've always loved the Frigga/Loki dynamic...

Soooo. I thought that Annie couldn't go too far from the house?
And she doesn't seem very ghost-y, able to touch people and that how it is in canon? *thoughtful*

Also! So many feels! I didn't expect Heimdall himself to have been responsible; I kept thinking Frigga ordered it, for some reason :p
Looks like we're getting into some serious stuff here, regarding Asgard towards Loki...
Whispers in the Void chapter 9 . 5/27/2015
So. This is actually the tenth review I've written for this chapter; the first 9 were filled with cyber-screaming at Jane.
But, on a more sane note, I thought you did a great job with working out what needed to happen in this chapter!
Whispers in the Void chapter 8 . 5/27/2015
(yay! Back for more fun reading!)

xD That thing about spiders and Charlotte's Web totally made my day!
Loki and Annie? Can't say I didn't pick up on the undertones so far...but, I'm not really sure how I feel about it! At least it's not an OC; OCxMain Character pairings always bother me...
Though, now I'm having images of what it would look like - seeing Loki kissing the air? For mere mortals, I mean xD

...Huh. I never found Jane to be that intimidating...or intimidating at all, really.
Loki's feelings towards the meeting make sense, and I have to applaud you (yet again) for managing to keep this guys in-character so far as this verse goes *nods happily*
On a much less happy note - did I mention I don't like Jane? I'm seriously trying not to rant against her right now, and it's not even just because of her reaction in this fic. Totally canon Jane annoys me the heck out too, so don't worry that it's your writing xD
Whispers in the Void chapter 7 . 5/27/2015
Drats, darn, freaking fudgecilces!
End it on that note just when I have to leave!
(oooh! I hope there will be Darcy later as well; she is my second-favorite Thor character - after Loki, of course - and hey, will the rest of the Avengers ever be introduced? I doubt Thanos plans would be totally ruined by lack of Loki...)

Also, I love the idea of Loki making a patronous charm!
Whispers in the Void chapter 6 . 5/27/2015
Ohhh my gosh! I think this has definitely got to be my favorite chapter so far!
The feels! And, Thor and Loki (and Sif!) got to do some proper talking; you know, for the most part, I absolutely do not like Sif and the Warriors Three. But, I think I could come to like this version of Sif.
Whispers in the Void chapter 5 . 5/27/2015
I love feels :)
By the way - you've done a great job writing this so far! I can't say for the other characters, but Loki sure feels in-character!
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