Reviews for Kid Life Bad Dream
Lucy-Ann S chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
Um this is pretty good but cud u please pretty please clear something up for me. Who the heck are kae and the other kids. I know I must sound pretty stupid but please?
andipxndy chapter 27 . 4/5/2018
Awwww, I loved that ending! It was absolutely adorable seeing them a whole lot more chill because they're not in constant danger anymore, and it was nice to see that little bit of bonding at the end!
(I also very much love the way you're able to portray them so well as teens - as a British person who was once a and is now surrounded by teens I can say that it was so accurate and so funny to read.)
sleepysadkid chapter 26 . 12/22/2017
I have no idea how I missed this being updated but I'm literally so excited! I've never given up hope for this continuation but I figured I'd have to continue waiting for awhile and I'm so excited to find this new chapter after all this time! Thanks so much, your story is still great.
Guest chapter 26 . 12/8/2017
WHAT THE FUCK?! I WAIT FOUR FUCKING YEARS FOR A FUCKING UPDATE AND THIS IS WHAT I GET? HONEY IVE READ THESE BOOKS LIKE A MILLION TIMES AND HIGHLY REGARD YOUR CHARACTERS, PLOT, AND CREATIVITY BUT REALLY? Not to mean that I didn't love it because of course I did sweety :) it's just that this is not your usual caliber of detail and work. Not to come off as obsessive although I fear that I have already passed that stage but the fans would REALY appreciate more chapters, one-shots, and overall interactions between the characters if you are truly making a comeback! Thanks :))
andipxndy chapter 26 . 12/4/2017
Oh my goodness, you're back! I was so surprised when I was notified that this got updatedthis was one of my favourites back in the day, and it's so amazing that you've updated (even if it's after a good while)! I actually went back and reread KidLifeNightmare just to refresh myself on everything that happened!
I totally look forward to reading more, and welcome back!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/30/2017
Omg you’re back! Absolutely love this story! Cannot wait for more updates.
guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
i miss this so much i hope you start writing again soon i love this story
FantasyPanda12 chapter 25 . 9/13/2015
I know it's been a while since you've updated this but it'd totally be awesome if you could continue it!
Crystaal chapter 25 . 1/12/2015
I've read a LOT of fics on Alex Rider, but I'd have to say that this is definitely on of my favourites :D
I can't wait to read more!
Complicated-little-Jellie chapter 25 . 8/30/2014
Please update this soon! Absolutely dying to know what happens! I love your work!
ripper34 chapter 25 . 11/7/2013
good story
jj chapter 25 . 5/29/2013
Plez update!
WelcometoDystopia chapter 16 . 2/13/2013
Oh My Lord Sandra! I've found it!
I read this story ages ago, and fecking loved it. BUT I LOST IT. And I tried to find it for months. I'VE GOT IT BACK YAYA! AND IT'S GOT SO MANY NEW CHAPTERS!
I like Haribo, you like Haribo, we like Haribo, everyone likes Haribo!
I bloody love your story. Feel free to PM me if you want me to tell you more about what I love, etc. For now, I'm going to catch up.
Owl's Prayer chapter 24 . 1/26/2013
Always liked the story! Awesome plot! I dunno what else to say, it's just nice! Good length to the story too!
Kitten chapter 24 . 1/25/2013
There was an author who got a review and it was awesome! E
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