Reviews for First Love
bennynotbunny chapter 6 . 10/1/2013
All of these are freaking awesome!
LilithiaRW chapter 6 . 8/23/2013
hahaha nug-humping? This is different from the others but so funny! Very nicely done!
LilithiaRW chapter 4 . 8/23/2013
Awww that was delightful! I did not expect you to connect it to DA2, nor such a happy ending. Although i don't understand why the Warden went to Kirkwall... This can be turned into such a lovely short story. * puts thinking cap on* haha
LilithiaRW chapter 2 . 8/23/2013
This was very appropriate. However it made me wonder what Zevran's reaction would have been to see the Warden with a wedding ring. Highly amusing, I'm sure. I would have liked to see her keep the ring though, perhaps on a chain around her neck. However maybe she is better without it, given that she and her fiancé were not close.
LilithiaRW chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
This. Was. Perfect.
And you are right, i was often frustrated that the origins stories clearly had a couple lovers from before the begins. And yet after Ostagar it's like their lives from before mean nothing.
DareMeToBeSexy chapter 6 . 8/21/2011
Cullen! My favorite templar! I love how you portrayed their story, it was really beautifully written and so full of feelings, thank you for posting it :)
zbwoop chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I love Tamlen, I wanted my warden to get with him! But, having played through a couple other origins, I knew he'd either die or disappear for most of the game, and then come back only to be killed or sent away forever. This game sure likes tragic romances eh?

Anyways, my complaint is that you only wrote from the female warden's perspective. Quite frankly I felt my male Dalish elf totally had a mutual thing going on with Tamlen. And if the male warden can romance Darrian in the noble origin, why would he not potentially have feelings for Ser Gilmore as well? Really any companion from the origin story could be paired with the male or female warden..

just saying is all. I'd really like to see more slash involving these characters -innocent whistle-

Anyways, excellent concept, I do agree the idea of a relationship between the small supporting characters from the origin stories and the wardens was under-explored. I wish many of them had become permanent companions...
Sathaeri chapter 6 . 7/10/2011
I really like how you are able to change perspective and writing styles so quickly. All these people have diverse backgrounds and societies, and I think you got them all down. Nice work!
massivelyattacked chapter 6 . 7/6/2011
My duster ended up in a romance with Zevran too...but I tend to like your explanation for why that was better than mine. I've really enjoyed this series of stories...
millahnna chapter 5 . 6/29/2011
Regarding your dwarven commoner question; the only thing that comes close is Leske. If I recall correctly (been awhile since I played my Brosca) there's no actual flirtation dialogue (if there is it's subtle and he laughs it off). But he definitely has the hots for your sister so there's plenty to mine there. It should come as no surprise that more than a few fics have decided to interpret the commoner scenes as Brosca having an unrequited crush on him. Given what goes down with Leske later in the game (his appearance in Orzammar is radically different if you play as a Casteless dwarf) there's lots of room to wring some angst out of it.

THe only other thing from that origin I can think of that might be usable for you is the Rica/Bhelen relationship and Bherat and Jarvia. There's no actual romantic stuff implied about the latter two regarding any characters but when playing that origin, it's pretty easy to imagine stuff that would fit with what's presented in game.
Glaurung II chapter 5 . 6/25/2011
Yes, Gorim had the additional appeal of having Steve Blum as voice actor. I'm yet to play as Lady Aeducan, but the things I've heard around in Orzammar concerning the Eaducan brothers are a bit disturbing.

Nice chapter!
massivelyattacked chapter 4 . 6/23/2011
These are all incredibly moving. Your writing is intensely emotional and I truly appreciate every one of these. That you were able to create such wonderful memories from the characters so briefly introduced is a testament to your skill and imagination. Lovely...
Glaurung II chapter 4 . 6/23/2011
Masterful chapter!

Since I knew of Cullen and his interest in the female Mage Warden, I always wondered how she would bear the pain of seeing him before Uldred's fight, and the torment that would accompany her afterwards.

Looking forward for the next one!
HarryPotterLover8789 chapter 3 . 6/20/2011
This is the first Dragon Age fanfiction I have ever read, but I'm certainly not unfamiliar to this site and what good writing is. I never review, but this is one of the most brilliant writing I have read! It is so beautifully described and intricately explained. I can actually feel it all, connect with thier pain and the tragedy. I think I'll be checking out your other writing, if you have some, though I really do hope you do. Someone with a talent such as yours should be shown profusely, not wasted with one story. (I'm not logged in at the moment, but I'll post this with my username) Though I don't encourage you to look at my writing, compared to yours it's quite pitiful. Anyway GREAT story!
Glaurung II chapter 2 . 6/12/2011
Exactly like my City Elf character. Except that she treasured both the wedding ring and the wedding clothes until the end, even when she knew she would never use them.

Looking forward the next chapter!
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