Reviews for Regarde moi
Anovia chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
France went all far comedy for a bit, and I felt so bad for him. That's what I love about FrUK though, their insecurities, their deep seeded issues. There is always something about them that pulls on the heart strings. And honestly, the only thing keeping them apart is their pride.
But *ehem* I'm not here to rant about why they are awesome. I wanted to tell you that your story was really good and very much enjoyed.
Haiti2013 chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
So good. Well written and very different perspective than what I'm used too. Thanks for posting!
Krrrzy chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Francis, you ARE a whore! 3

... and Arthur, you're so predictable!

What a nice piece of fanfiction... )
nemurii chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
that was wonderful. simple and graceful, and it made me smile at a point, and sigh at the end. i love your style of writing. C:
ShadeandthePonies chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Poor France . I love England but he can be an a-hole sometimes. This was cute though!
ghibli22 chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
This story was so simple and beautiful. The way that England never said a word only added to the great feeling behind it. And I especially loved the detail of him trying, and failing to button up his shirt, and the turns his thought process took as he did so. Overall, very well written. Thank you for such a wonderful story
Nerica chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
" it had faded and mixed with the usual dull pain that tainted any moment with France. Pain from being hurt, guilt for hurting, he doubted it would ever change." aww this was so depressing to read T-T

Still, thanks for sharing~
Ilovedit chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
I thought it was very good,and the last lune was perfect I think. Good job