Reviews for Light in the Darkness
Danii2 chapter 5 . 6/26/2013
Eeeehhhhhhhh, this story made me sad and also 'WUT WUT WUT'.
Attacco Di Sole chapter 5 . 12/19/2011
This is amazing. Not even my story has gotten this Dark yet...

This really gave me inspiration. My stories and RPs should maybe follow this path. I hope you continue
LadyFluffieh chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
"I'm different..."

Awwwwh...your description of Nox's situation in school is just-I want to scoop his materialized little self into my arms and smush him! w

The ghost school's nothing like anything I've read before o: That's really hard to pull off, originality like yours.

The only thing I'm really picky about is the frequent use of the word 'dark', but don't worry about it at this point. 3

I hope to see more!~