Reviews for Extremely Pointless
J. Gray Dingler chapter 2 . 5/28/2015
I can't help but wonder what your take on the world's longest handrail would have been if you had finished this. D
Ribke chapter 2 . 9/12/2013
Oh my God, that scene with Fettel and when he tries to sound Shakespearean and shit- PRICELESS! xD
Skullface 12-23-1994 chapter 2 . 8/26/2013
Funny how Douglas mentions Bettlejuice and how Jin continues to be weird. I thought it was funny how Point Man was playing basket ball with a Replicas head. I hope you can update this, but I know how your busy with The FEAR Tracker. But still I enjoy this short story. It is always good to laugh every now and then.
Laurie Jupiter chapter 2 . 8/13/2013
Oh man, I really love this update!

You weren't kidding when you said Jin is really unhinged. She's got that whole 'mad scientist' streak to her, but a lot creepier.

And ouch: "Shit, I thought FEAR only hired you to fill the ethnic quota."

Now we know why Jin doesn't seem to do much technical officer stuff in the first FEAR. :P

Also love the addition of Fettel here and just how off his rocker he is. I thought it was funny when he started mumbling Shakespeare lines and they just turn to leave him behind.

Again, great job on this chapter!
Skullface 12-23-1994 chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
THAT...Was mother F-ing funny! Please make another chapter, or at just post another chapter if possible, because that was kinda humorous. I liked it. It truly was hysterical. I always did wonder why it was no body complained about P-Man being silent, or wonder how it was that Paxton was able to come back to life through the Extraction Point storyline. I thought it was pretty well done, and I think you did a well job at that.
BrazeRancor chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
Ow. I guess being shot in the groin sill hurts when you're dead. Haha.
C0yot3 chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
This is really good so far. The story is really fun and well done.

Please continue.
Ribke chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Awesum! Are cha gonna kill Jin and Dough like in da original storyline? Dude, it SUCKED when they killed em, I rly liked em. D