Reviews for The Hobbit And The Elf
1920 Mafia Don chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
That was adorable. And a beautiful writing job. Well done.
Prime-Of-Flowers chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
Awesome stuff man! You deserve a hug. I am a huge fan of Lord of the rings and The Hobbit myself and I found your story very interesting and some parts made me cry (im such a cry baby...jeez!). Anyway, keep writing and if you would, read some of my Fanfiction. I don't get that many views but I don't care! :) Smiles
cold kagome chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
omg so happy that blaine is going with kurt.. yay lol love the boys so funny
lifewithfandoms chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
I absolutely loved this story! There's not many Klaine Fanfiction that is based with Lord Of The Rings! And this is the best I've read! I'm obsessed with both LOTR and Klaine so iloved it! :D
OhhhSkyler chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
This was so, so good. Thank you so much for writing it. Read this in its entirety instead of going to bed, no shame. ;)
Aero-Klaine chapter 2 . 1/6/2013
Ahhhhhhh I accidentally posted that review before I was done I'm sorry haha. I was saying, if I were a professional critic, I would give you 5 gold stars, 10 thumbs up and a CAKE. Because this fic has absolutely got to be one of the best I've ever read, and as much of a grammar nazi as I am, I was too engrossed in your fantastic story to even care about the few mistakes there were.

Thank you for gracing us with this beautiful piece of fiction, and I sincerely hope you do some sort of continuation of it :)
Aero-Klaine chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
I seriously cannot understand how this doesn't have more reviews, it was utterly beautiful. I decided to read it mostly because I was bored last night and went searching through all the glee crossovers and found this, but just left it as an open tab until an hour ago. I went and saw the hobbit for the second time today so all my Tolkien-love is fresh and I absolutely adored this fic, it was so amazing, if I was a professional crit
lahaloholagi chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
I have to echo the others: THIS. WAS. PERFECT. Sequel maybe?
daltoneering chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
That was astounding, and perfect, and glorious, and wonderful and every other positive adjective in the dictionary.
Never did I think I would find a Klaine/LOTR crossover that was so perfectly written, paced, characterized, and with such a brilliant ratio of crossover-iness. My two main fandoms, married together in one beautiful fic. The best birthday present ever.
StormsInNeverland chapter 2 . 5/10/2012
This was...absolutely perfect, I must say (:

Over and out.
kneeshightwinkletoes chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Wow, this was amazing. I really liked the way you wrote the story like Tolkien would have done it. Really, really good. I also loved when Legolas and Gimli showed up at the end, because I really love Gimli.
MrsHummelXx chapter 2 . 11/23/2011
This. Is. AMAZING!
Zirconiafire chapter 2 . 8/19/2011
This is such a beautiful story! I'm especially impressed at how you can combine the personalities of Blaine and Kurt with the characteristics of hobbits and elves (and men). Everything is so detailed and flows perfectly, I could actually feel the characters' emotions myself. Overall amazing!
ddeellttee chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
HOW DOES THIS NOT HAVE ANY REVIEWS YET? And I'm not one to type in all caps while reviewing fics, but SERIOUSLY.

Okaaaay, first of all. I just got this desire to read elf!Kurt fics today, so I searched and discovered this one, and lo and behold, I find my new fantasy head canon. This was absolute genius in every way- from the detail of Blaine and Kurt's situations and how living on Middle Earth as half-bloods has affected them to Kurt's need to go to Valinor if only to find marginal peace to the clever references you incorporated and the way you switched Blaine and Kurt's situations up, with Blaine facing his fears and leaving everything behind, and Kurt being afraid to do so. This was pure and utte s, and I applaud you.

And by the way, your English was fine. A few errors here and there, but they didn't distract from the story at all, in my opinion, and they were few and far between.

Once again, wonderful story. (: I wish there were other things published on your account, because you are quite honestly incredibly talented.