Reviews for Edge of Glory
Sorkabeth chapter 16 . 3/24/2015
So, I loved it but now I'm going to go read something super fluffy to balance out the angst. :) Thanks for writing!
Sorkabeth chapter 3 . 3/23/2015
It's interesting to be reading this just a few days after the series finale... the comments you guys must have gotten for the author's notes for both chapter 3 and 4(haven't read chapter 4 yet, felt like commenting after just the AN) to have (very understandable) rants about people whining about this being out of character for the boys... we see Kurt and Blaine break up between seasons 5 and 6 for very similar reasons as in this fic...they're both under a lot of stress, don't handle it well, and Kurt's a bitch (and I say that even though he's my favorite character) and then we see Kurt power through by pretending his emotions don't exist while Blaine crumbles and flunks out of NYADA ... so far your characterization seems pretty spot on to me.
Nicolene B chapter 16 . 4/3/2014
Wow! This was awesome! Just amazing. My heart ached for our lovely boys, but all's well that ends well, yeah? Again, I loved it! :D
Calmzone1 chapter 16 . 11/18/2013
I don't know how I missed reading this story, since I have read a lot of both of your stories.

I totally, thoroughly and completely devoured it from beginning to end. I loved the author's notes and a bit of insight into the chemistry of your writing. I too wish people could understand that AU means that it is OOC for the characters and that you get to make them come alive in a different way and that they can choose not to read it, but that they don't have to flame the author just because it is OOC or involves other characters storylines. I mean, seriously, could you imagine reading a multi-chapter story that had no interaction with other people or daily occurrences in their lives... boring!
So, well done, loved it, favourited it. Thanks for sharing, and loved the original song. I haven't searched it on Youtube yet, but I will when I get the chance.
Georgie chapter 16 . 6/8/2013
What CAN I say...amazing, yet again :) I hope you recognise my name by now, but if you don't I read Kiss first, then Straight Camp, and I can honestly say this was another amazing story! I loved the collab idea, and it worked wonderfully :) congrats on another amazing story!
Ps, I have signed up now-do you might see me around XD
Georgie (beautifulsilencer
themccallgleek chapter 16 . 1/3/2013
Yes, I reread it. Within a few weeks of reading it last time. (Though, in my defense, the first time I read it was last year ;D) But, wow. It's just so perfect, and Kurt and Blaine are just so ridiculous! I would like to bash their heads together. But I love both of your writings :D
AliceInRavenclaw chapter 16 . 12/18/2012
Loved it! Just loved it so much!
themccallgleek chapter 13 . 12/15/2012
I just yelled at the screen, telling them that they're stupid. I've read it in one go so far, but I felt I had to say something about it. This fic is perfect, and so are all the song choices (and Nothing is amazing :D) I seriously adore this fic so far. :3
hannah eadyn chapter 2 . 10/28/2012
I want to be supermegafoxyawesomehot! ;) But this story is super good so far. I like it!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/27/2012
Panic! At The Disco should've been a necessity...
Liveforblueandredties chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
I love the way it's written, and that it's a collaborative story :D brilliant.
whydoyoucookie chapter 16 . 6/24/2012
I've wholly enjoyed reading this story from start to finish...don't know if you've noticed, but i've recently pretty much been stalking all your storiesO.o working my way through kiss still;) I'll get there eventually:D

I loved this collab, my friend and I are sort of working on one too...but it isn't glee, (or klaine, noooo!), i might have to persuade her...
charlieinsocks chapter 15 . 5/18/2012
Are they performing Edge of Glory, by any chance? xD I'm probably a stupid cookie. Is there such a thing? But wow. This was amazing and I smiled all through this chapter which was a welcome change, haha. :D I love this love this love this! :DDDD -happy dance and runs around screaming- ... calm. e.e
charlieinsocks chapter 14 . 5/18/2012
Aawwwh! -sobbing and cuddling everything nearby and stuff- That was amazing. I want to keep them forever. The Warblers make me giggle a lot, though. Also, yay for Jeff and Blaine making up at some point. :'3 I'm so happy they're happy I could cry. I kind of am a little. Dang you. :c
charlieinsocks chapter 13 . 5/18/2012
FINAAAALLLY. WOO. Silly boys. But awh, that's so them. Make up during a song. On stage. Can I keep them as pets and love them forever and stuff? ;_; This was perfect. Bless them. Awwh. -warmth and happiness- :D
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