Reviews for Light in the Darkest Corners
LoreleiElizabeth chapter 8 . 10/13/2019
This is so well done! I recently found this fandom and I desperately wish you’d do a sequel one shot or something set a few years after this!
MapleSyrupOnMyWaffles chapter 8 . 7/7/2017
This was a beautiful story. Jo and Mac's voices rang true to who they are. It was hard to see Jo go through a tragedy, but you wrote her so well. Great job.
Scousedancer chapter 8 . 4/5/2012
Wow - I've rarely read a fic that made me smle and cry all at the same time. If it was a book, I couldn't put it down. Everything about this story is just superb - characterisation, plot, everything. I really hope you get time to finish this story - you are a very gifted writer.
Arihimew chapter 8 . 1/7/2012
God! This is one of the most awesomest fics I've read so far! Heartbreaking yet sweet, angsty yet pretty fluffy. Perfect description of the emotion, plot, dialogs and everything! Definitely terrific.

you're a great writer and story-teller. Wish to read more of your Mac/Jo fics! :)
ForlornRider chapter 8 . 12/16/2011
This is a great story. It's in character. It's mature. It's realistic. It's possible. And it's beautifully crafted. I loved it. Thank you.
Dark Wings Of Imagination chapter 8 . 11/23/2011
This was, maybe, the best story I've read about Jo and Mac! Such a beautiful, emotional and touching story! Exelent Job!
littlesweetcupcake chapter 7 . 10/30/2011
Hope you finish this story! I really like it, great writing.
hiphugger17 chapter 8 . 10/12/2011
I've been looking for a long time for a good Mac/Jo writer. I finally found you. Good writing, in character, and good stories. This story had me choking up all throughout. Looking forward to reading more of you.
littlesweetcupcake chapter 8 . 9/30/2011
I love this story. It was so sad, but I find that it was much more realistic, much more true to character then a lot of these Mac/JO stories! It was great. I hope to see more of this story or at least this pairing!
csiny96 chapter 8 . 9/6/2011
This might just be one of my favourite chapters of this fic. You've written it perfectly and not rushed their relationship at all. I like that you haven't just pretended that she's gotten over her grief for Tyler and can move forward with her life, but that you've ensured Mac is there for her. It's perfect and the little moment at the end between the two of them is amazing. Great update :) x
csilover8 chapter 8 . 9/5/2011
I really like this story so much. You write Jo and Mac perfectly. This chapter is amazing!
Galxychld chapter 8 . 9/5/2011
Oh, awesome chapter! The talk between Mac and Jo was just wonderful, with the fact that they love each other out there, and the promise to be there for each other until the hurt is less and then they can be together in every way that matters. Great writing! I also loved the scene at the end with the team just wanting to be there for Jo, and that sweet little moment with her and Mac. Looking forward to more!
olanaj chapter 8 . 9/5/2011
Oh, this is so bad. I shouldn't be sitting in front of my computer, shaking and crying. But this is what I am right now and nothing else matters.

Your understanding of characters is... unbelievable. I'm constantly surprised by how you write each and every chapter. And I'm so glad that the proper words were finally spoken. And even more glad about not putting here a kiss. Somehow, I can't imagine Jo and Mac kissing just briefly, there has to be some sort of passion involved and I feel like this is to early in the story for this.

And now I'm waiting for more, again.
missgrace114 chapter 8 . 9/5/2011
Once again i did a little squeal when i got an email saying you'd updated, i love your writing so much! I was hoping for a kiss but i understand why you didn't put it in! Love it! Have a feeling the funeral is going to be desperately sad though Xxx
csiny96 chapter 7 . 8/30/2011
Everytime I see that you've updated this fic I can't help but smile! I really love it and it's one of my favourite Mac/Jo fics :) I'm happy that you've closed the case and they can get on with the funeral etc. The case was done really well and it's believable. I love Mac and Jo growing closer as well, they work really well together. Can't wait for another update! :) x
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