Reviews for For A Little While
Naekane chapter 1 . 10/1/2019
Wow, so bittersweet! I've rationalized away any sort of love triangle with Emil, Ratatosk, and Marta at this point, but it's still an interesting idea. This story is so well written! I love how you depict both Marta and Ratatosk. I love how Marta misses Emil, but doesn't want to see Ratatosk go.

Well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
Aww, I loved the ratatosk and Marta relationship here! Definitely not a mess! Please write more, these two need more love!
diety chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
amazing especaility ratatosk visting marta
No way chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
I just had to review! I never thought this was possible...! Never thought the day would come! You portray Ratatosk so well, that witty, stubborn Summon Spirit, and his interaction with Marta, my god, there's so much chemistry! Back then, I'd always hate the main girl characters because they've always caused some relationship problems to the male character, and they'd get heartbroken for it, and it'd hurt me so much
like marta, which is precisely why this story earns a 5 star review
It's brilliance, I tell you. All packed into a bundle of words.
Please! Make more Ratatosk-centered stories!
StarTrail chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
This is amazing. i was practically smiling the whole time because you did ratatosk so well, marta too, but mostly ratatosk. i usually don't like one-shots all that much, but this is great!

'He had kissed her on the lips one time, startling her so badly that she didn't notice when he stole her cotton candy and ate it, laughing his head off.' i was like 'lolz that totally something he would do' and not for that, but for a bunch of other stuff too.
StarlightBreaker chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
aww poor Rattatosk

that was a Sweet an sad Story i liked it
Myne0 chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
This was.. so nice c':

Very well written! I was just amazed at how scenic the 2nd portion started! My gosh. I'm really not that creative... So it just amazed me-along with the other scenic descriptions~

I think I might like Ratatosk better than Emil, being paired with Marta c: I guess I want the male to be noticeably seme XD And Emil... is rather Uke XDDD
Fullmetal Angel 17 chapter 1 . 9/19/2011 by far...THE BEST!

Gosh, I loved every sentence of this. You handled their interaction very well and posed the most asked question of every RataMarta fan out there: how would things have turned out if Ratatosk was the one who came back, instead of Emil? The emotions conveyed by the characters (especially Marta) were very believable. Between Marta's conflicting thoughts of seeing Emil again and having Ratatosk stick around and Ratatosk's anxiety towards Marta, I found no flaws.

Aww, and your Ratatosk is so affectionate, while still keeping his gruff demeanor. Nice. Especially on this one line:

("Don't worry. It's all right." He was looking out the window as the Ferris wheel reached its peak. "But promise me something, alright?"


"Smile. You go off into your own world so much…and for some reason you're never smiling there.")

*heart, heart* You killed me with that one, but in a good way.

Overall, you did such a wonderful job that you almost had me wishing for Emil back.

...Almost. Gotta stay faithful to my ship. XD

Would it be too much to ask for a continuation of this. You left it at such a good part and I really want to see how the rest of the days (or years) play out for these two. So please, please, PLEEEASE make another, say, five more chapters. I guarantee that the rest of us readers are wishing for the same. So give us more RataMarta!
aradian nights chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
Your writing is, as always, gorgeous. See, I always miss stories from you. I know I could always just leave a review on the doorstep of one of your other stories, but I guess I just don't look through them. Well, except for that ZelosxSheena story, and that's probably because I have an odd fascination with that pairing.

So, anyway, this was lovely. Adorable, as expected, since your writing style is usually based off lightness (contrasting greatly with mine, if I might say). That sad undertone doesn't go unnoticed either. It's very obvious that Marta misses Emil, and it makes me happy to see that. I don't think it would be the same if Ratatosk came back and Emil stayed behind, so you played it extremely well (like you wouldn't anyway? Pfft, your writing is always like reading canon novellas, or something). Like I said before, very light and simple.

You know, Alacquiene and I were talking about how a lot of writing styles can be compared to ice cream flavors, and we agreed that yours is definitely vanilla. And it's totally true, just so ya know. There were reasons for your style being vanilla, but the stupod review thing is flashing up after every letter I write, so it's kinda not gonna work out if I keep writing. But, anyway, this story is definite proof that your writing is like vanilla ice cream. Except for some reason I feel like the vanilla would be spiked (for this one). I'm sure Ratatosk did it. XD

So, that's the end of another Dani-Ramble. You know you love them. D

I've got to read more of your stories. -.- Yeeeah. I'll do that eventually.
MathAtMidnight chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
It's been quite a while since I read good fluff, and this is no exception.

I have to admit, I never really gave much thought to having Marta with Ratatosk as opposed to Emil, but when you portray it, it just flowed so...naturally. Sure, his somewhat gruff personality is ever-present, but it's clear that the time that they spent together before this has made him that much of a better person, and it shows with his actions.

He does also bring up a good question-which persona Marta wishes for more-and I felt like you handled that well. It's clear that she cherishes both of them, and the way you had her handle that thought was done very well. Bravo.