Reviews for Only a Nerd would use the Word Geothermal
Eleria-chan chapter 1 . 1/17/2014
Wow, simply beautiful piece. I really like the last part where he ordered the lake toya and argued with the manager. Really like this!
ezcap1st chapter 1 . 3/6/2012
... Hanako, lol.
TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Pssh, the pieces of your story don't quite match up? Do they vaguely resemble the result of mish-mashing a bunch of puzzle pieces from different boxes together? Then you may be eligible to try our tried and true method: just tell everybody it's for the Gintama fandom, and even if you story is about Dragon Ball Z, all your problems will be solved! Call 555-5555 for other creative all-purpose excuses. Call now to get a virtual cookie! (We are not responsible for any injuries, maiming or death resulting from attacks by offended fans or other various people who feel that the world is better off without lazy bums that have to call a hotline for excuses rather than making it up themselves)

...I need to get more sleep, I think. ;P

Aw, Chibi!Joui4 are so cute~ And I feel that your pieces really do capture Gintoki's personality and the overall humor of Gintama pretty well.

"His complex was acting up again." That line was my favorite. XD
Chibi-Onee-chan chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
This made me smile :) It was cute and I happen to love Zura's nerd-i-ness. :3
Prusyah chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
Good story! i love gintoki! XD