Reviews for Swish and Flick
GleekPJOFreak chapter 15 . 6/30/2013
hey! nice name, Sarah. creator of DJ Evans here. good to know youre alive! good luck with all they
this is london calling chapter 15 . 6/29/2013
hi Sarah :) I'm the creator of Nat Hathaway, and I don't blame you for being busy, seeing I'm extremely behind on my OC fic as well. So apologies aren't needed. I'm so glad you've decided to update! Like when I saw the update in my inbox I screamed a little..anyhow. I can't wait to see what you have planned :) if you need anything PM me! UPDATE SOOOON!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/9/2013
Long time no read. How's all the plotting?
coco597 chapter 14 . 3/4/2013
Update soon!
Summoner01 chapter 14 . 6/7/2012
So sorry for not reviewing! Anyway, after reading some other profiles, I just want to point something out. Maddie is NOT jealous of anyone's 'beauty' or 'talent'. She couldn't care less about looks.

When she sees someone's better than her at an ACADEMIC subject, she gets fired up, but not jealous. She's not some whiny little kid who cries when someones better. She pushes up her sleeves and gets to work on improving her skills.

Just because she's in Sytherin does not mean she's some snobby prick who picks on others, or TOTALLY insensitive to others feelings. It's when she's STUDYING that she doesn't tend to notice, which unfortantly is most of the time.

Maddie also doesn't mind helping out others when they need help with their homework, as long as it doesn't get in the way of her own studies.
Little Longbottom chapter 12 . 5/14/2012
This is a really great nextgen fanfic!

You should know, I am a very weird person. I ship people who are most unlikely to be together. Siriusly.

Like, for example:

- The Heads. For some reason, I think those people end up together because they work together more often. [Like in TSON in the HoO series]

- Louis/Anyone in Hufflepuff. I mean, siriusly, Louis is one of THE hottest people ever [that's what I think] and it wouldn't hurt to have his housemates crushing on him, right? In this chapter, I'm having troubles on who I wanna ship with him... I'm torn between Ari and Isobel. :)

...& so much more.

Anyways, I really wanna see an update here, also on Demigods: Summer, so yeah. Goodluck!
Guest chapter 14 . 5/5/2012
Hurrie, hurrie, hurrie! Up-up-DATE!
I'm-just-curious chapter 13 . 3/17/2012
Sorry, I meant you cant do a story with a deep plot with so many MAIN characters.
I'm-just-curious chapter 13 . 3/17/2012
Interesting chapter, can't wait until the next one. I do have a few questions though:

-first off who will be the main characters? You have a lot of OC's, you can't truly do a story with deep plot with so many characters.

-how will each one affect the story? Again with so many stories and a summary that Looks like a overarching plot, it will be hard to give every character even some splotlight.

Please answer
GleekPJOFreak chapter 13 . 2/18/2012
that was cool. even if it was a second draft. :) hahaha. AVPM. hufflepuffs are very good finders. ...what the hell is a hufflepuff? :) great job.. cant wait for the next chapter.
BellaRosa17 chapter 13 . 2/18/2012
I'm glad to know your alive. I was getting worried when I hadn't heard from you. I'm sorry about all your work being gone. I know how that feels. The chapter was really great and I loved the characters from Ravenclaw, that Tabitha was very clever but that was very dangerous a thing to do. I'm looking forward to the Slytherin's chapter and the final list for Qudditch.

Please PM me when you have a free moment. Its been ages since we've last chatted.
Tired-of-waiting chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
Are you dead or expierencing writers block?
Moment4Life and Ax chapter 2 . 12/21/2011
Keira sounds a lot like me in a creepy way...
xJunainaxAzharax chapter 12 . 11/3/2011
hey! sorry it took me so long to review, but i live in New England and we had this terrible storm over the weekend. i got my power back this morning!

great chapter and i can't wait for more. i love the drawings of all the characters (you did 100x better than i could ever do!) they're really nicely done! do you think more characters could be done? that would really be awesome!
littleone18 chapter 2 . 11/1/2011
So, this is a little weird, but I was reading your role call and was all gasp! Kelsie McGinty in Ravenclaw? Because first off, my name is Kelsie, second off, we're exactly alike, and third, I LOVE Ravenclaw!

But anyway, I read your story and I'm really enjoying it. Keep updating and keep working hard!
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