Reviews for Take the Long Way Home
rgay3568 chapter 5 . 6/12
This story is so great! Well-written and realistic (considering their worlds), and SO FUNNY at appropriate times. You’ve really captured the tone of Buffy with the heaviness of SP. bravo.
Luumus chapter 26 . 11/12/2017
Who knew a funny and sweet story like Grand Canyon would be followed by such an epic tale, so well written with all the fluff, smutiness, drama, fights and everything a girl could ask for!

I loved this story, (and the short little sequel you wrote was hilarious, the Angel/Spike/Dean drama in particular was amazing) and I loved the way you wrote Dean and Buffy and all the other characters, I think you did a fantastic job in making them as true to their personality and mannerisms as possible.

I also need to give you kudos for actually changing the plot line of what happened in Supernatural to account for the Slayer's presence, it's actually quite rare to find in crossovers, because most people in just smash the fandom's characters together with very little variation from the original plot (which isn't very "realistic"). You on the other hand, basically created a whole new plot that made perfect sense, full of twists and turns and that was incredibly well planned! That really impressed me, that you actually foreshadowed future events in previous chapters. When someone can do that you know they are really good authors.

And that's basically what I got from this series (which are already in my favourites of course) it was a very well written, funny yet intense, _true_ BtVS/Supernatural crossover with amazing characterisation and plot and romance and everything. So yeah, I loved it!

Please keep up the good work,
aaaand chapter 10 . 4/25/2017
Superslayer flees the lunchrroom crying because she cant handle it...BULLSHIT! buffy is a hundred times more likely to take that bitch to task or just cave in her face. are you a teenaged girl? because if you are then this story makes a lot more sense.
done chapter 8 . 4/25/2017
dean is acting like a COMPLETE DOUCHEBAG to EVERYONE. HE IS A GROWN MAN. dean is standoffish, stubborn, and super overconfident. Youve made him into a complete tool when something he sees ALL THE FUCKIN TIME shows up. have a nice life.
wow chapter 2 . 6/16/2016
are you a teenager? thats the only way that i can see you writing this high school bullshit. dean has literally been to both heaven and hell by this point so its a little funny that hes acting like such a pussy when it comes to buffy. and its also pretty funny that sam believes that his brother just needs to find the right girl to be happy. both of them have been through enough emotional moments and horribly failed relationships that i find it a little strange that they are acting like high school girls. please STEP YOUR GAME UP.
EffulgentEllie chapter 26 . 3/1/2016
Another great read. thank your for making my transition into the BtVS and SPN crossover a smooth and enjoyable ride.
willdawg992003 chapter 25 . 7/21/2015
awwwwe cordy
im still sad about her dying

well that was an amazing chpt and great battle scene love the holy weapons they were using even the brick thingy and slingshot hehehe
happy you put cordy in it
willdawg992003 chapter 24 . 7/21/2015
funny chpt hehhehe
willdawg992003 chapter 22 . 7/20/2015
wow Crowley is lucky willow was weakened from that stupid protection spell or else his ass might have been grass
willdawg992003 chapter 16 . 7/20/2015
eve was badass
i think she is stronger than glorificous well she is older than her
fallingforthecaptain chapter 26 . 7/17/2015
I looooooooooved this story so much! Pregnant Buffy and worrying Dean were perfection and I loved cordy popping in! Just love how you write them please never stop
meri24 chapter 2 . 10/19/2014
Hehe code words
Furionknight chapter 26 . 1/1/2013
I look forward to more :)
Agent-G chapter 26 . 12/18/2012
Well it took me two days to get through this entire thing and I have to say I think it's the best Buffy/Supernatural crossover that I've seen on this site. Plus you're writing improved a lot from the first story you no longer did those annoying little moments when you add in bracketed comments all over the place. True I still liked the first story but this was a lot bigger and better.

I think this a very good story and I liked the character interactions and you nailed how people act in this story from each universe including the Buffy-isms I guess you could call them. It was a nice little alternate version how the Purgatory arc of Supernatural. Cordila was a little out of left field but it was nice to see her again even if she was a little Deus Ex Machina in a way.

I read the third part which was more of a fun little side story with elements you couldn't fit into this story.

There were a few things I was a little disappointed with, mainly we didn't see much of other characters with the exception of Buffy and Faith the others were basically down graded from primary to secondary characters. Which I felt that you never used them to their full potential at times.

I don't know if you'll ever do another story in this universe you created although if you don't have any ideas how about a story more Sam/Faith oriented since Buffy and Dean's story is kind of finished really but there is a lot more you could do if you shifted the focus to those two. Like how Faith deals with being in a real relationship for the first time, I would have loved to have seen her kind of freak out about it.

Heck now that Dean is pretty much stuck in that city you could always do a little fic of Sam and Faith being the ones to go out on a hunt as they aren't the ones usually tied down to one spot. Plus what if something happened that broke the wall in Sam's head? Lot of potential for that as well. But that's just me I enjoyed these stories and would have liked to see more. Oh and you made reference of Bobby and Giles kind of having a bit of a rivalry but we never actually saw any of that.

Anyways in the end this was the best out of the 3 stories and I think you really outdone yourself with it as well.
Eliad91 chapter 26 . 11/24/2012
Hey thanks for writing these stories they were amazing. Kinda surprised by and liked the fact that you didn't follow the canon of Chuck being God.
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