Reviews for Never Much to Do
Black Cat chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
Ooh! I LOVE this story!

It’s so cute in that twisted Joker/ Harley way!

You did a good job keeping them in character, Harley’s interactions with Dr. Leland were great and Joker’s thoughts at the end were simply magnificent!
fire-dragonz chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
haha i loved this story, so in character, i like the crazy jealousy and the joke about utensils i remember reading a comic where joker killed a bunch of people with a canteen tray it reminded me of that. I hope u do more like this it was really goos, well done xx
nisan uzumakie chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
I like this story alot!

You kept them in charecter, wich is a realy good thing. some people don't know how to do that very well.

you displayed the fact that, yes; harely does have a rather obssesive love over him, its uncondisional; and she'd do any thing for him. ( exibite one, attacking his doctor)And that yes; even though he doesn't feel the same way, he does feel a bit of posessive-ness over her. 'He doesn't like for people to touch his things'~ quote

But, he uses her alot, mainly for entertianment.

I think my favorite part was when he found out about harley lodged a fork in a doctors' eye for looking at him the wrong way.


Three days later she swiped a fork from the cafeteria and lodged it in his doctor's eye. He couldn't exactly agree with her methods now that she couldn't sneak him utensils anymore, but at the very least it had killed some time. And set a new record. It took almost a month before she had attacked the last doctor he flirted with.

Perhaps he should move on to the nurses now. Or maybe they'd be stupid enough to give him another female doctor again.

He hoped so."
fck chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
brilliant. jealousy is my Joker/Harley kink and I can never find any good stories with it.
Hoodd chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
This was great! You kept them well in character and I would love to see more :)
2 headed dragonlover chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Hmm. I wish you'll go on with this story.
Lizzerella chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
I really like this idea. :) It was that jacked up way this couple has. I'd love to see more oneshots from you becaue you do the characters really well too.