Reviews for Endlessly, She Said
Anya chapter 33 . 7/12
This beautiful story enraptured me so thoroughly I read it in one day. I finished it crying because of all Katara and Ursa have lost and the lives taken by the madness.
Until now I had only read more lighthearted ATLA fics, and this one definitely had darker themes than what I usually read. I still read it all without stopping. It is well-written and showed me a mature Katara who goes through the beautiful but terrible responsibility of loving your child more than anything.
I also especially loved seeing her growing understanding that the guards and her "enemies" aren't evil but mostly just exhausted to serve a mad princess. And most of all, that forgiveness of others and of oneself is the most liberating act.
Thank you for writing this story, I don't know if you'll see this but thank you for writing it till the end !
CurryPrince chapter 1 . 2/11
Wow! This is awesome for me. I will reading because it's amazing. Congrats and Thanks for share
DarlingDelilah chapter 33 . 1/4
I don’t even know if I’m okay. I cried a LOT. An actually worrying amount to be completely honest but this did kinda break my heart and then sew it back together. How am I supposed to feel after that? Help pls

That was a flipping great story, I sort of fell into your writing. You see, I read the first chapter and then must have blacked out into an overpowering reading episode, because the next thing I knew it was 1 am and everything in my chest felt so tight because I’d just finished such a breathtaking piece of fiction.

This was marvellous in every respect, hope you write many more and equally as beautiful works. I love you and your beautiful brain
Guest chapter 9 . 1/1
If you want good Zutara: anything by kangaroo2010
Honestly anything.
FadedGloryyyChief Sosa chapter 33 . 11/28/2019
Great story, I admit the ending felt a little rushed but that’s okay. The concept of the story was awesome, I haven’t read a fanfic that has kept me glued to my phone in months, maybe years. Rating 8.5/10 :)
ItsMandyLima chapter 1 . 9/3/2019
second time reading this one!
ziva10 chapter 33 . 3/5/2019
I really enjoy this story, I thought it was well written. While I don't agree with all of the characters actions, you write their thoughts well enough for everything to be realistic. The one part I'm confused about (and this may just be me skipping something) is the story seemed to hint that Lani was someone's kid with actions/characteristics being familiar to others. Was this just stuff she picked up from being raised by Katara or was she was her biological parents someone known by the Gaang?
Pearlynn chapter 33 . 11/20/2018
I'm going to be completely honest with this review. This is the second time I have read this story, the first being back when you first finished it. I can't remembee if I reviewed back then, but I'm going to do it now regardless.

Spectacular, outstanding, amazing, one of a kind, etc. I could keep going on but I feel like that will take up a lot of time I don't have. However, this story was a perfect balance of angst and suspense, as well as heartbreak and drama. I was raptly engaged the entire time, even going back to read certain sections because they blew ny mind.

Wonderful job, friend. This has been and always will be one of my favorite Zutara stories.
Astra Across the Stars chapter 33 . 7/1/2018
Soooooo I did for the most to really enjoy this. There was good character development, nice integration of characters, an intriguing mystery...but just a couple things really took me out of it. I couldn’t for the life of me believe that Katara became sooo attached to Lani in such a short time—enough to call her daughter. Granted I didn’t think it was a bad relationship at all, but it just felt super sudden and not entirely plausible. And I’m still a little confused by the timelines with the erasing memory bits. But really overall this was an awesome Zutara story that really kept my attention and filled the void that canon Kataang created in my heart. Great job!
Marieme.Rozenberge chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
I am so sad for Lani
Diana.wisperwind chapter 33 . 11/6/2017
Diana.wisperwind chapter 24 . 11/6/2017
Die Azula...DIE!
Diana.wisperwind chapter 19 . 11/6/2017
Badass Katara!
Never ever threaten a mother with her child!
Go get her Katara!
Diana.wisperwind chapter 17 . 11/6/2017
Oh my God...
The last line was really my undoing...(wipes tears)
Oh my God...
Kissing the mask...the ambivalance she feels...
Com'on I wanna see romance!
Diana.wisperwind chapter 16 . 11/6/2017
Romance...scandalous romance...
Here we come!
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