Reviews for Gravity Happens
Linda chapter 5 . 10/24/2016

This is so good!
Please update!

Pearpear chapter 5 . 9/10/2015
I love this it's so cool
Amber chapter 5 . 6/9/2015
Its sweet that moose wants to take things slow :)
Austin and Ally Go 1 Direction chapter 5 . 12/6/2014
LOVE LOVE LOVE! PLEASE update soon! I know it's been several years, but Moosille deserves a happy ending, do they not?
jessicuhxoo chapter 5 . 11/6/2014
ahhh I wish you would update this :(
socialnetwork1 chapter 5 . 10/18/2014
That was awesome...plz update asap!
luakinaga chapter 5 . 9/22/2014
Youre doing such a wonderful job! Please continue!
Alexandra chapter 5 . 9/18/2014
DUUUDDDEE WHERE ARE YOOOUU? We need more chapters! We love this story! Please write soon :((
Guest chapter 5 . 9/17/2014
Youve wrote one of the best Moose- Camille fics. Please continue! Xo
Lizline chapter 5 . 8/10/2014
That was really nice :)
Aplin chapter 5 . 7/21/2014
Eeeeep they're so cute!
Alexandra chapter 5 . 7/10/2014
Please PLEASE continue writing! This is one of the best Camille & Moose fanfics I've ever read! :(
lucky-im-terrified chapter 5 . 6/30/2014
please update! Omg so many things happening!
Black-Rose23 chapter 5 . 1/21/2014
Such a cute story between Cam and Moose.
Daniella Violet Moon chapter 5 . 11/5/2013
The dynamic you have between these two is so great. They feel like real friends first.
I hope you get the time and drive to update this.
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