Reviews for Symbiotic
Fanatical Writer chapter 8 . 9/30/2011
Very nice ending. I liked Emily's revelations at the end of the chapter.

Fanatical Writer chapter 7 . 9/30/2011
Ooooh, go Reid!

Nice chapter.

Fanatical Writer chapter 6 . 9/30/2011 started off so nice and then went downhill from there. :( Poor Reid and Prentiss. Neither is willing to do the trusting first; they're just both too hurt.

Fanatical Writer chapter 5 . 9/30/2011
Loved the conversation between Ashley and Emily in this chapter, and Emily's moment of jealousy.

Fanatical Writer chapter 4 . 9/30/2011
Ok, can I just tell you how much I loved this part?

He had noticed but he liked messing with his friends sometimes.

That was genius.

Fanatical Writer chapter 3 . 9/30/2011
Poor Em. She's in a really dark place. It's a good thing she has her friends (some of them, anyway) to help her through this!

Nice chapter.

Fanatical Writer chapter 2 . 9/30/2011
Wow. Emily really needs to get out before she bites someone else's head off! LOL

Emotion packed chapter! So sad Reid hasn't been to see her.

Fanatical Writer chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
Poor Reid. He's doing all he can to keep his mind of Emily, but it just isn't working.

Nice start.

Chrystle Ayer chapter 7 . 8/11/2011
Just re-reading this. Fucking loved this story. Can't believe I forgot to favorite it. Well, done. This seriously my be your best Spence and Emily fic.
celticstarwolf chapter 8 . 7/22/2011
Beautiful sweet ending hun just perfect thanks for sharing
Chrystle Ayer chapter 8 . 7/11/2011
*glomps loveforpenanderek*

Oh, honey, that was fucking gorgeous! Us Spencer/Emily fans are so lucky to have a great fanfic writer such as yourself in our little commune. Thanks for this. I could only dream we'd get something approaching this on the show. In the mood for a little Penelope and Derek now!
SpemilyFan chapter 8 . 7/11/2011
Great chapter, and a wonderful way to end this story. I'm sad to see it end, though. :)
sangreal7 chapter 8 . 7/11/2011
Utterly beautiful ending to this story. I loved how sure they were of each other - when all the surface doubts were stripped away, the love that was always there just shone through. Wonderful!
dustytiger chapter 8 . 7/9/2011
aww that was awesome! i'm glad they got things mostly figured out. i think reid said what he needed to say, and heard what he needed to know for things to be happy... wait... is this the end? i hope not cause i want more
Graveygraves chapter 8 . 7/9/2011
So glad he has accepted her back in to his life.
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