Reviews for Lightning Crashes
Kristin04 chapter 22 . 3/18
I don't know if I ever thanked you for the shout out. I'm Kristin (aka AngelbyEve) from Twilighted. I was happy to encourage.

Hope you are doing well!
readicted chapter 25 . 3/2
That was really lovely. I enjoyed this story. Thank you for completing it, for your time and for sharing it with us here.
readicted chapter 22 . 3/2
Your Edward has handled intimacy and limits without coming across as judgey, or abrupt. He still has limits and control issues, but he is gentler about it, except for their very first timing kissing. But Bella didn't allow Edward to spin down into self loathing. So they both navigate each other's desires and limits with respect. And Phil, he managed to redeem himself a bit. I feel empathy for all he must be feeling, but in his grief he puts a huge emotional burden on young Bella. That house packing fiasco was too much, and showing g up with no notice to settle her affairs, not giving Bella or Charlie the chance to mentally prepare for it is very... Sigh. I know it's harsh of me to say, especially since Phil obviously had the best of intentions. He wants to do right by Rene, that's clear. He cares for Bella, but he is careless with her emotional wellbeing.
readicted chapter 21 . 3/1
I kind of wish Rosalie picked someone else for her favorite famous hottie. Kellan felt too on the nose. But I love how game she was for the whole girls night thing. Alice's love story and explanation for why she loves her existence was simply wonderful. You know, it seems like Edward only kisses Bella on the mouth when she has morning breath, lol. Well, no, they did share a kiss in the meadow, but other than that, I think all of their passionate kisses have been ripe breath kisses.
readicted chapter 18 . 3/1
I like your decision to not have Edward pressure or try to convince Bella of anything. And I agree that having Jacob be the character that has this conversation with Bella rather than Alice, is more impactful.
readicted chapter 17 . 3/1
I can understand why Rosalie is scared for her family's attachment to Bella.
readicted chapter 15 . 3/1
I adore the private dance, and I think I really like the twist that none of the Cullens are going to the dance, and Bella is going with her friends. Yeah, I like that unexpected twist. I wasn't familiar with the song they danced to, Crush so I took you're advice and sought it out. It was also an unexpected choice, but it fits well and I like it.
readicted chapter 14 . 2/29
I love the idea of the girls going to the dance as a "girl gang" instead of coupled up. It's very thoughtful and considerate to Lauren. It's cute that Alice sends Bella messages through Edward. It kind of allows her to lay the foundation of a relationship with Bella without crowding her.
readicted chapter 12 . 2/29
Hmm, so she figured it out. LOLing that she used music to tell him.
readicted chapter 11 . 2/29
Poor Tyler. So Bella gets her formal introduction to Edward's family. Did she not notice their differences? Does Charlie? Love what Bella says to Angela in thanking her. It was lovely.
readicted chapter 10 . 2/29
Love that she got so caught up in emotions that she sung a verse for and to Edward. You'd think Charlie would've been more thoughtful about who he had pick Bella up from the airport. I'm trying not to be so hard on Charlie, but he knows how Bella is about getting in cars with people. Also, she barely knows Jacob, who doesn't even have a freaking driver's license. Why?! At the very least, he should have called her ahead of time to let her know so she could at least mentally prepare for it. Woah, Jacob just gave Bella a whole lot to think about.
readicted chapter 9 . 2/29
I can't imagine how truly difficult it would be for someone Bella's age and in her situation, to sleep all alone in her old house, surrounded by the ghosts of old memories. I thought you were going to have Edward just show up in Phoenix. I like this much better. I love the singing too.
readicted chapter 8 . 2/29
It's unfathomable to me that Bella would be permitted to do this very heavy and emotional thing all alone. I had to do this for my dad and it was overwhelming and nearly unbearable. My mom was out of the country and unreachable. Couldn't reach my brothers. Never felt so all alone. My uncle thankfully helped me , while another relative sped through the house grabbing as much as he could for himself. I was in such a dazed state I didn't fight him about it, but I regret that now. There are some sentimental things my brothers and I would have cherished. No child should have to endure a task like that alone. Shame on Phil. And shame on Charlie too.
readicted chapter 7 . 2/29
I'm enjoying this story.
readicted chapter 5 . 2/28
Interview with a Vampire, lol.
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