Reviews for Nighthawks
BenRG chapter 6 . 9/15/2015
Well, Alex... Carmen is a complex psyche and not an entirely healthy one. I don't think that she's capable of 'love'. Love requires trust and a certain degree of reciprocation and I think that Carmen Sandiego is too messed up, emotionally, for that.

She IS capable of obsession and possessiveness, though. I'm sure that she's obsessed with Ivy. What I'm wondering is whether this fanon's version of her is obsessed with possessing Ivy of whether she wants to be possessed by her.
BenRG chapter 5 . 9/15/2015
I think Ivy hit the nail on the head when she said: "Rich, lonely and sad businesswoman" is a fairly good description of the inner Carmen Sandiego.

I also think that Ivy knows that Carmen is obsessed with having her... with owning her and possibly also being caught by her and being at her mercy. I wonder just how many dangerous and terrifying fantasies she has in that final area. How desperately she wants to finally submit in some way and finally be able to rest.

A sad, tragic fate for a brilliant mind. However, in the end, it is one she chose for herself.
BenRG chapter 3 . 9/15/2015
Ivy, I've got a bit of advice for you: Don't ask any questions that aren't good for your sanity.
Thunder Beagle chapter 6 . 5/3/2015
Carmen Sandiego femslash? Well alrighty then.

Thanks for this, it was sweet.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
Though i've only read this 1, and Code, gotta say, i loved how deeply you dove into both Carmen & Alex's emotional and psycological motivations and needs. A true measure of how great a fic is, is by how well fleshed out ones characters are, in both those areas. Of the fics i've read, i'd dax this one & betteroffred's. "Jem" fic series are 2 outta my tip 3 faves. You 2 have some special talent. Got anymore like this one?

Guest chapter 6 . 11/6/2014
BRAVO! Encore! This was an incredible read oh please please please make more.
Mirei E.C chapter 6 . 3/13/2014

The way you right Alex is just too perfect, her motivations and motives...
And Carmen's own psychology is brilliantly illuminated. I loved your line about the illusion of the *illusion* of surrender. MY heart broke for CS here.

Do you consider this story's Ivy and Blue Alert's Ivy to be the same? Her attitude is so different in the latter story, but I could also see her perhaps opening up to the possibility of a relationship after the events of Nighthawks...
Spiked Waters chapter 6 . 5/4/2013
Meraviglioso! So beautifully written and emotionally strong. Nearly left me speechless after every chapter. I'm so in love with your storytelling. 3
eraseANDdelete chapter 6 . 12/17/2012
Another beautifully written story
Lovinthelazies chapter 6 . 7/1/2012
This is brilliant. Freaking Brilliant.
aptasi chapter 6 . 3/11/2012
I think this story is my favorite of yours so far.

My favorite thing about it is the way the different chapters feed into each other, each bringing a new level to each character and each relationship. For me, each chapter was a new interpretation of the basic motivations and feelings involved. Each new scene introduced and element that was original and something I hadn't thought of before, but the new interpretations were consistent with all of the previous action. It made the story so rich, and a great reread as well.

Also, I like that you choose to end the story on the note that Carmen's behavior isn't love. In the series, Carmen's actions have such a duality to them. In one moment she acts as though she really deeply cares about the detectives, then in the next she causes them (and herself) as much damage as possible. The ending felt real, and true to the cannon.
aptasi chapter 5 . 3/11/2012
Carmen's characterization in this scene is fantastic. The "I can't have it" section was particularly good. The combination of control and lack of control was expertly balanced there. I also loved the edge in Carmen's "not always nice" character, and how you brought that to a character that is still very likeable.

I also loved Alex, the way her ambivalence and confusion feeds into her art. And naturally, I loved the cadmium red.
SideshowJazz1 chapter 6 . 3/9/2012
That's it? Amazing! I loved it, and I'm glad you finished it.
Adelphus chapter 4 . 3/9/2012
"Or that you were Carmen's….mistress"

Carmen has those? Is there a screening process?
Adelphus chapter 2 . 3/8/2012
Waita minute. This wasn't a one-off? I think I need to lie down...
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