Reviews for Petals On the Sand
The Princess Maker chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
Funny! This makes me wish the games were out in English all the more! :D
Talena Mae chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
Oh I wish you had continued with this, I see a heck of a potential with this story.

If you do write more, please let me know.


A member of Critics United.
carmine chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
Sorry I can't log in to give a 'verified' review haha, but I must say I absolutely loved this piece! All of the characters were very much in character, unlike a lot of otherwise good pieces on the web, and the thoughts on procrastination couldn't be anymore on par. If you've played 3rd story, please try to do one for that too, I know it'd be great!
Karashi chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
This is just wonderful! I love how you gave the fic some of our RL equivalents (ahahaha Facebook, anyone?) I am so excited for the next parts! I do kind of hope that maybe some of the routes "intertwine" the way in-game you can get a Best Friend and the whole unrequited love angle going. But at the same time, I kind of hope that you keep them in "separate files" as well because, well, I just really love your writing!

I also have to admit, I kind of giggled that you named the Main Character Daisy Konami hee hee! It's a great nod to the creators and Himeko-sempai! Looking forward to the next parts! (Oh and I also checked Extracts at your recommendation. I agree, the Hibiya ones made me d'aww and glee.)
sister-forever chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
Ahh~ Do continue! I like the way you changed [Facebook] with [Memorial]. It is just BRILLIANT!

Do write more about Wakaouji-sensei, please! He's my current obsession


Hmm... Keep up the good job!
forever sockless chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
I've been lurking for a while but I have decided to sign in and post a review. I really enjoy this, and I do hope you continue. The world needs more Masaki. :D
mimia chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
This is my first fanfiction review and I made a account just to thank you. Thank you, this is a very cute read. I was having a small tokimeki memorial withdraw since I finished most of the second game and I am now waiting for the the third game to come out. Thanks for the fun read! Nice work!
BeautifulPichu chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Awesome! You're back with a new story! I was so sad that no one would update on TMGS stories.

But anyways, I love this story already! Update soon! -