Reviews for Legend
Aphrael9 chapter 42 . 9/6
This was quite a well thought out story, I would like to have seen it go longer!
venxa chapter 42 . 8/26
this is such an amazing story! honestly it’s my favorite one ever lol, you are a talented writer 3 thank you for this!
venxa chapter 33 . 8/24
this is my all time favorite story! it’s going to hurt me when i finish it
Sunena Sharma chapter 42 . 4/17
the whole series is too good dude
I really liked it. Your way of emphasizing things is what I liked the most. ️
keep writing off such amazing stuff
Guest chapter 42 . 3/1
K. I will give honest feedback. I really loved this ff. Truly it's a masterpiece. If I have to rate this ff out of 10, I would give it 9.7 coz there are some loopholes which I will point out. First Hermione is not that kind of witch who just get scared of anything and run away or hide herself behind someone's back. She is brave and truly gryfindor. She will fight till her last breath. Second she is the most clever witch in her year. So it's odd that she rarely solved the riddle. It was all the tine Draco who solved the riddles. Third the most clever girl even couldn't make herself passable for joing as prof. That is so weird and odd. If anotner two prof wouldn't have died, Hermione and Micheal wouldn't get jobs.

P.s. I so felt sad on Prof Cutting's death

P.p.s. The most amazing this about this ff are those riddles. For that hats off to u for creating such amazing puzzles. N my my Dramione's deeamy romance.

The best Dramione ff I have ever read. :)
blue2skie chapter 42 . 2/12
That was a good story! Its good to read some nice fluff now and then!
Guest chapter 40 . 12/31/2019
I liked it... but gotta tell you tjat both hermione and draco were a bit ooc. I mean hermione is a very compatible witch, she fought against voldemort for merlin's sake she wont be running around being scared at night near the lake. She will stand her ground with a pretty hex on the tip of her tongue and bloody hex the stalker not run away and hide behind Draco. We all know that Hermione is a very capable girl or shall i say woman and she will definitely not go around everywhere with males in present company. Also they could have used the marauder's map to cgeck who is following them. And if this was such a big secret then it should not have been told to each amd every person present in tge castle who have a prefix Professor attached to their surnames. Its not a negative comment I liked the fic but hermione was too delicate, fragile and eaisly scared to be a griffindor.
Piertotum Locomoter chapter 5 . 6/9/2019
Great job with the riddles! I don’t think I could’ve thought of them :D
Heyheyhey chapter 24 . 5/20/2019
Im relieved I was right about the people who’s gonna recite the lines... and I kept screaming Neville for number 4! But hey, the descriptions of Verse of Six is quite mysterious and I commend you for that
LittleRed1018 chapter 42 . 2/13/2018
Absolutely wonderful! I loved It! Please don’t stop writing!
Guest chapter 42 . 11/20/2016
Really enjoyed this story! Great writing!
Kelsey441 chapter 42 . 4/23/2016
Loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
"... oh and always bare with me on the first few chapters...
Bear with me is a standard expression used as a request for forbearance or patience.
Ex: Please bear with me a moment so I can find the homework exercise for you!

Bare with me would be an invitation to undress.
wisegirlgeek chapter 42 . 2/26/2016
You are now my official favorite Dramione Fic writer! Awesome XD
ladymarinette chapter 42 . 11/8/2015
I loved this story 333 thank you so much for writing this :3
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