Reviews for It's Too Late
Cat Sauce chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
What I hate most of all the stories of Shima and Rin is were it starts of that they already have a relationship.

So when I saw the content of your story I told myself "Fuck it" I kept browsing the story really upset until you wrote the part about Paku and Shima, having sex, you made me grin and made me say "What the hell" I like how you added a twist... I think?

Over all it was worth a read
since it made me laugh.

Though you have some minimal corrections which I don't care so yeah keep up the good work. And I look forward for some of your upcoming stories ;]
BakemonoShoujo chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Poor Shima...
One does not simply cheat on Rin.
but of course I'm happy cos it's Yukio x Rin, Aw yiss
Scattered Petals chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Um, I am a bit confused about who was cheating on who. The whole story is about Shima's cheating, but also Rin slept with Paku? ;;

This is a good story, and I can't stay mad at Shima now looking from his point of view, haha.
korouna chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
I don't really get who cheated on who... but I feel s sorry for poor Shima 8( Nice story! Depicts well how one does so many sutff that are unreasonable, and they don't even know themselves why they chose to do so.
YAOIfangirl1996 chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
is there gonna be a second chapter?
Beizanten chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
really sad and great. Shima might be a pervert but I can't see him being a cheater
Cheris I Espoir chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
Ooh! I just love Shima/Rin! Please write more stories like this one!
VanSoFan-Naome chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
wow that was a very good one! So sad...but I'm still not getting something: who cheated on who? I was really confused on that part, but everything else was perfect nwn
bostafu chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
Wow well this being shima's pov i can't hate him. but seriously it is his fault i mean cheating over and over again? Poor rin, he deserves Yukio. Well can't hate shima when he admits that. but i'm wondering why would he cheat?
32vitr chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
Buaa~ I cannot believe he has done that to Rin, I feel sorry about Shima, but, he deserved it...

Good job! :D
Honoka-Chan chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
:O that was good~ thanks for posting it xD cant wait to here more from you!