Reviews for and at last i see the light
silkyjacob chapter 3 . 12/21/2016
it totally made my day -I love your Jake and Bells !Please tell me there'll be more ? - hugs!
niamhg chapter 3 . 2/29/2012
ahhh this was so cute - only found it this afternoon and it totally made my day -I love your Jake and Bells !Please tell me there'll be more ? - hugs!
HalcyonSeasons chapter 3 . 2/20/2012
Funny, quirky, sexy, honest, and cute...There is nothing I don't like about this. UPDATE SOON.
HalcyonSeasons chapter 2 . 2/20/2012
I love when Bella has friends. .
HalcyonSeasons chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
Oh my God, I don't read things like this enough. I...I'm in love.