Reviews for Start a Fire
oceanusdamien chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
I may be a year off or so but this was wonderfully well done.
Strawberry Eggs chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
A bit late in reviewing, I know, but better late than never, right? :D

In any case, wow... just wow. This is so incredibly sweet. My heart virtually melted when I read the part with Emil proposing to Marta on the bridge they reunited on. The writing is just incredible, descriptions, dialogue and everything. The rest of it was fluffly sweet and endearing, but that part was especially great. I dare say, it's probably the best I've seen written by you so far. :) And of course, you have Emil and Marta's personalities and actions down to a "T." Emil's always putting Marta before himself, so I can easily imagine him saying all this.

Once again, there are a number of typos in the story, though nothing that might confuse people. I also have to admit that while it's a songfic, and a fitting song, it seemed like it wasn't really necessary. Though, you could say that about songfic, except maybe for the ones where the song is actually part of the story. I should know since I wrote a number of them fairly early in my fanfiction "career."

But anyway, this is a fantastic fanfic. Thanks so much for writing a proposal story, and for writing more Emil/Marta stories in general!
Naekane chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
As I dearly love this pairing, I very much love this fic! :D I did spy some typos, but otherwise this story was virtual perfect! I love the emotion in it, and both Emil and Marta are wonderfully depicted. I think I squeed when I read the proposal part,

Overall, excellent work!
Lucem Yoru chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
I love Tales of Symphonia, I love this pairing and I love this one-shot, nicely writen.
Sentinel07 chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
Well done indeed! That last line is totally something Marta would say!

Good job!
AntiSora chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
This is really sweet, I love it! It's just... Well, I don't know how to explain it, it's just sweet and cute and I love it so much!

I'm not usually a big fan of Emil/Marta, but your works for the pair are just amazing.