Reviews for A Small Glimpse
Missingwings chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
Wonderful! Yeah I'm the same way, I'm going through an adoring fangirl stage in which she is my hero. I'm hero worshiping her... 'Cause she is a hero. Wonderful job!
Jky. Malfoy chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
gosh this is cute it makes me happy because Jeanne D'Arc is the only person that i admire and its such a cute story
EliteKessu chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
When I saw this in the manga, I couldn't help to feel happy for France. It was such a rare moment for him. If only they could meet again but with Jeanne being able to remember who France was. I bet that would make France happy for years.
Perfect-Tempest chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
Adorable! This was very cute. I love how you wrote in a stream-of-consciousness style because it suited France quite well. The descriptions you gave did my imagination justice and I admire how well you were able to evoke your imagery. Seeing Jeanne again was a joy for me as a reader because you achieved a connection to France that I was able to relate to, so I felt happy when he felt happy; you did a fabulous job with such!

My only criticism regards the mistake in your title ("Glimpse" has an "e" at the end of it and should be capitalized and the word "small" should also be capitalized) and little grammar errors here and there, but other than that, this was a lovely read!

Either way, I depart from this one-shot feeling exceedingly happy! The way you wrote it is brightening and makes the reader happy after experiencing it. There is a definite affection for Jeanne depicted in this story, which makes her all the more endearing. Characterizations that have been portrayed well and done justice never cease to make me smile!

Keep writing; you have so much beautiful potential!