Reviews for Down Will Come Baby
Rory-kirkland chapter 3 . 1/24/2019
uh oh
from that decription of americas reaction
im assuming post partum depression or worse phycosus
Diurnal Days chapter 2 . 3/8/2016
Wow! You went to Hong Kong? I actually stayed there for a few months a few years ago, and I'd just like to say that the peculiar mixture of Chinese, Japanese and British food in the supermarkets was quite delicious. Because of my brief stay in Hong Kong, I discovered the great drink known as Ribena. Mm-mmm. Even though you went to Hong Kong several years ago, I hope you had fun posing at photo booths with your friend, haha.

Despite this being an alternate history, I can feel the late-1700s atmosphere practically radiating off of the narrative. The historical feel runs strong here.

I am fully sympathetic towards America about his pregnancy, and I feel that it's rather unfair that he's being called all these names that he is not, but if I met someone who not only remained in his prime for his entire life, but also bore the parts of both a man and a woman, and was bearing a child out of wedlock, while we were both living in a society that is considerably more conservative than modern society... I'd probably react similarly, much as I'd like to deny it. I would not have thought that such a creature could be "natural" or even human. That's what's so intruiging about your stories that delve into the human characteristics of nations (Paper Crown Kings and Pinwheel Queens, Shatter, Pangaea, etc.). They (your stories) expose the parts of humanity and history that we'd rather not look at, without being tacky or risque. Much as we'd all like to deny that we'd reject the idea of almost-human nations, do we accept people who are different from us, really? Almost-human nations are such an interesting topic, and your fics really do analyze nationhood thoroughly. The question of whether or not nations are really human has no definite answer, because those national personifications don't actually exist. But because they don't exist, there are SO many possibilities to be explored with them. I guess that's why you write your fics and the reader reads them, lol.

...Agh, why must your fics make me think so much? DX Most of my time spent browsing through fandom stuff is supposed to lack brain cells, yet I keep coming back here for more and more!

At this point, I'm not even going to hope for a happy ending. I'm aware of what happens next, and, as much as it pains me to say this, America is probably not going to find his happily ever after here. His life was set up for misery and tribulation from the start. Then again, should I really expect any different from a RobinRocks fic? XD

Anyways (look at all those "A"s!), I'd better get back to reading this (and getting around to finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion). See you soon!
Diurnal Days chapter 1 . 3/4/2016
Wow. I started this today, and let's just say it's a bit hard to read because I know what happens next.
This alternate version of history is quite interesting, I say. The other differences between this timeline and our own besides the ones that have already been revealed are sure to be fascinating, I'm sure.

Maybe a national personification's pregnancy DOES represent a fertile period (or the promise of one) in his/her lifetime? That would make sense, since pregnancy is determined by fertility and whatnot. There's some complex character interaction going on here, oh-ho. France and England definitely have some history together, some unusually *close* history, if you know what I mean. ;)

Of course Austria would carry the baby. He'd be a good parent, especially with a strong wife like Hungary.

England kind of acts childishly here towards Canada and the humans in general. His claustrophobia is also strange, too. Surely the reason why he acts that way will be... interesting, to say the least.

Well, I'm off to read the next few chapters!
alfredf.jones chapter 4 . 9/20/2015
I really really enjoyed this story! It just pulls at your heart strings and your writing skills are amazing! Its hard to find good stories like these where the old English is portrayed really good. I just really really hope you can update this one don't give up on this story! This is definitely going in the bookmarks _
SenNoYoruWoKoete chapter 4 . 5/13/2014
This has to be the most tragic story I've ever read. My heart was literally torn to shreds reading this.
Anonymous22 chapter 4 . 1/16/2014
This is actually the first work of fiction I’ve read regarding the infamous ‘mpreg’. xD I’d resisted for so long but, knowing it was written by you, I decided I’d trust your writings skills. Not to mention the title and description intrigued me so much, I had to know what that was all about.
And I am so glad I did! Quite spectacular…and this is supposedly “nowhere near” over? SO CURIOUS. Because I know you probably have it all mapped out with all the small details of this intricate alternate universe you've created. But it’s been a year and you haven’t updated…quite a shame. I really wanted to read what the Victorian Period would have been like in this alternate reality. Plus I have all these questions…like, how will America develop as a nation after that whole ordeal? Or how will England cope being incarcerated in the Queen’s House (ooh, fancy) considering his claustrophobia? I realize it’s a room fit for a Queen but still…O.o As for the baby…it was a nation, correct? So what I’m dying to know is what nation it would have been… though maybe it’s just up to our imaginations because I’m pretty sure you didn’t mention it but maybe I’ll catch it when I reread it in the future. I know it probably wouldn’t have been one of the 50 states since I remember you saying you were going for something different than the other mpreg fics. Maybe Sealand? XD But yeah, when America drowned the baby I was really shocked at first but it also made perfect sense to me in a weird way. And it was so dramatic! Still sad though...I was thinking that would probably either make America practice celibacy for the rest of his life (boo, no porn :c) or really paranoid in bed...I don’t know I just really appreciate all the thought you put into this. These are the kind of stories I aspire to write!
Anyway, even though it isn’t complete, I enjoyed all four parts of The Sun Is In The Sky. I just wish I’d savored it. D:
Oh, look, I’m the first 2014 reviewer. B)
thisisup-upisno chapter 4 . 12/31/2013
I am so in love with your Arthur, I swear to god. He's just...
I have no words.
WHERE are you, Robin?! I want moooooaaaaarrr! *sniffle*
Pinksakura200 chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
My brain has exploded.
hedgehogkween chapter 4 . 4/15/2013
Wow, I was kinda looking forward to seeing how this ended until he drowned the baby. I really wasn't sure that there was a thing in the world that could make me lose interest in such a well-written story with such a beautiful premise so fast, but it seems that you found something that could. You should get an award for that.
Corey5268 chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
I hope you plan on finishing this at some point.
nuclear taste2 chapter 3 . 8/25/2012
Also I'm intrigued to find out if word of France and England's liaisons would come back to America. I was so sickened but I LOVED that. I'm so glad you included that! America so heartrendingly insisting that England was the father of his baby while England was probably fucking France in his own parlor while he was sleeping ahaha.
nuclear taste2 chapter 4 . 8/23/2012
You. /You./ I did this for you. I read an mpreg for you.

This is one of the first of your fics I read and when America int he first chapter popped out of the bed with a belly full of child I was like NOPE and closed the window. Then I read Shatter and Pangaea and thought why the hell not.

England and America's obsession for each other is deliriously fascinating. Just... *sigh* I love how you write their fucked-up relationships in so many fics. I am looking forward to future installments. And you are /crazy/ to apologize for length! Why authors apologize for long fics I will never understand that...
xXCorporal Yaoi 911Xx chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
America is, like, totally kawaii! I love uke America! *glomps you* Already faved and always waiting till I can, like, totally go home and read more! Thanks for this!
book234 chapter 4 . 4/14/2012
Great Story so far; it is very well written and it's nice to read a story with such an original storyline for once. I look forward to reading future chapters
Dorisling chapter 2 . 4/4/2012
Wowwww you came to Hong Kong? I'm so happy I live in HK myself! I hope you have enjoyed your visit~

I really like this fic. Very beautifully written, and history-based MPreg fics just don't come up every day.
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