Reviews for By Their Proper Names
AliFyre chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
Oh my goodness I had no idea this was ever de-anoned, I go digging through the meme in order to read it every so often and its always too beautiful for words. I'm so glad I finally found the author so I could properly tell you how wonderful this fic is! The characterization is so on point and you play with the history so well! Congratulations on such a wonderful fic
I'mNoLongerActive'Sorry chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
I really love this fanfiction. It's so emotional and PruAus is just OTP. Along with all my other OTPs, *sigh* I have way too many. Reading this fanfiction made me feel happy though. I'm so glad I've read it.
Love and lots of hugs, Zeta
BrownFeather chapter 1 . 5/30/2013

I really really just liked this fanfiction so much.
At the beginning, you don't expect this turn of events at all, neither the historical information you'll get later. And Prussia thinking / decribing his affection like hate was so cool.
perfectioninmypride chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
I found your story on a list of recs on Tumblr. Having gone through a lot of them, I was greatly disappointed by little things like bad grammar and awkward characterisation and starting to give up hope on those fic recs! But your story was so amazing :) beautiful characterisation - I just loved this!
T.N.Shiroi chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
Pure awesomeness. awesome.
BlackInkStains chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
I at a loss for words. This is a beautiful fic! The way their relationship developed in the beginning seems to natural, and finding out the reason as to why it happened makes it all even better. I like how Gilbert treid to convince himself that he hated Roderich even if it was quite obvious that he didn't hate him. Your writing-style is also beautiful.
Yeah... I'll go back reread this again. Thank you for sharing!
Shannon A. Bernstein chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
I really enjoyed this. I admit I was a bit confused at the historic references until I read the end notes. But all the same, I felt that both Gilbert and Roderich both seemed to be ignoring - or at least refusing to mention - their feelings for each other throughout this fic. For me, the PruAus feels started and they just didn't stop. And I like how you did weave in the history. I definitely learned something!
lynne-monstr chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
I remember reading this on the meme and thinking it was amazing. It’s one of the stories that always stands out in my head and refuses to let go. There were so many fabulous lines in this but I’ll spare you the quoting back of your story to you (the history geek in me loved the reference to Austria finding loopholes to neutrality).

The evolution of their relationship, with Prussia all the while convinced the whole thing is nothing but mutual hatred, was sweet and kind of adorable. And the whole scene by the church was wonderful.

And now I desperately need to see Street Performer Prussia showing the kids how real sword fighting is done.
pentagram detected chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
This is wonderful.
kitkit11183 chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
This fic was very informative. It's beautiful how you used real life to justify Prussia-who-is-actually-the-Teutonic-Knights' continued existence. In Austria. Ohoho.
Pandora of Ithilien chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
And my headcanon for Prussia's survival is now acquired. I don't always read PruAus, too much of a PruCan girl most of the time, but when I see interesting summaries I have to investigate and I'm glad I did. :D This fic is brilliant, good job to you for writing it and for the kink meme OP coming up with the idea.
Megan Lo Saurus chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
Again, adorable. Thank you!
SolOutOfHint chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
such a beautiful and great story :'D
Red Queen chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
You know, I get really mad when I see such beautiful stories with so little reviews! It's unfair!

Well, anyway, I can't even express how much I loved this story, how well written is, and how well you managed to put real facts into it. Honestly, this is one of the best fics I've read in a long while. Also I remember I noticed the prompt on the meme, but I don't know why, I missed your fill. Pity!

The bittersweet atmosphere is amazing, maybe the thing I love the most in this story, but I also think the carachter are very IC, and this is, to me, really important in a fanfc, so kudos for you :)

The ending was just great! I enjoy reading angsty fic much, but I don't always like how many autors make Gilbert die after the reunification ' I mean, it's the same with the two Italies, isn't it? And stil, I've found much less fics with Romano disappearing. On the other end, I read Romano fics quite less often...

Back to your ending, what I'm trying to say is that there are many reasons why it's believable for Gilbert to be alive, and you did a great job in explaining one of them. Also, I didn't know the Teutonic Knigts still exist, my bad! And 10 points to the OP pointing to it in the first place.

Well, sorry for my mistakes, I'm not english mothertongue ;)
The Phantom Devil chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
that was a nice story, not much romance but nice nonetheless :D although, a bit confusing since it's related to history and stuff XD i'll probably read this a second time just to make sure i get everything right since i'm kinda new to actual history :))
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