Reviews for Inadvertent Intrusions
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
Great story! I can't say what improvements to make cause it's great to begin with. I would say longer but cause I want to read so much more!
PureWinter chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
Since you asked so nicely!

As an author myself, I struggle with telling readers the proper amount of information. I tend to either give too much or too little. Your simple structure was easy to follow and didn't leave me wondering how or why or what the characters were feeling. It gave me the right amount of information to go on and didn't leaving me wanting.

III. Indulgence seemed a little strange because Erik can just randomly play the piano, which begs the question, when did he learn?

IV. Contrition was a little more vague than the others. I had to read it twice to understand what they were asking Erik that upset him. Perhaps my own fault, but I did not find it apparent at the get-go.

The three others were short, sweet and perhaps a little thought provoking, giving a small peek their minds.

I hope this helped at least a little, but the measure of wisdom is when you are told an answer, you only have more questions.


P.S: Your lack of "slash" is a big plus for me. I enjoy friendship stories much more than romance.
rocks and glass chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
This is really good and an enjoyable read.
gebi chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
You did justice to the character I can't help but love after watching the First Class movie:) it's a great thing, especially because I find it really hard to find good, in-character stories, that aren't slash or boring cheesy ones. I'm glad I came across this one:)
TheDevilsDaughter267 chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Good story. I like the way that it deals with a range of emotions and not just the postive or just the negative ones. Keep writing this fandom, you are good at it!
1421205181141017 chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
First of all, I would like to apologize for not reviewing sooner.

I loved how each segment was titled with an emotion, and that it began with Rage and worked it's way to Serenity. In that way, it mirrors Erik's journey.

Each segment reveals something new about Erik's character. It all comes across as perfectly natural, that Charles accidentally learns these hidden things about his friend.

Of the five, my favorite is Indulgence. Only Erik would be able to play a song so sad with no hint of emotion other than amusement. It paints a wonderful picture of him. (If I was the least bit artistically inclined, I'd draw a picture of that.)

Overall, this story is wonderfully written and fits Erik and Charles so incredibly well. I'm glad I took the time to read this. )

x-x-Rhii-x-x chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
I really like the way that you convey Erik's emotions through Charles eyes with so few words. Your descriptions are intriguing and not overdone, and I can't find any grammatical errors or typos.

I think that the fifth part is the perfect way to end the piece. To me, there's not a lot that could be improved here - your writing is very striking and original. )
Natters13 chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
I really liked this, you were able to make the circumstances seem realistic and I love the emotions you showed :)
Louise Hargadon chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
Aha! So *this* is where you've disappeared to! Writing beauteous drabbles to warm our hearts and touch our souls! I should've known!

Loved them. Specially loved the first one where Erik was outraged by someone disrespecting their own mother. Totally understandable and completely in character. Also the last chapter where Erik feels truly safe as he plays chess with Charles, a total contrast to how he felt when he played chess during his youth with Shaw.

My favourite was definitely the car washing one. Erik would TOTALLY think that! I could even hear the way he said it!

Brilliant stuff from the master of the drabble. Or should that be mistress? Anyway. Whatever. Amazing stuff. Loved it. Thanks so much.

LH xx
flowermasters chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Guhhh, so perfect. :] The last segment is my favorite, because while they're all wonderful, that one was just so in character to me. Please write more wonderful X-Men fics soon! *cuddles*
destinationmirkwood chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
These are amazing, all perfectly believable and show more of Erik and Charles' relationship, which I think you weirdly awesomely well :)

My only complaint is that they're too short! Please tell me you'll write more? Please?

Great job, these are so sweet. IYD24
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
awww i loved them all the last one brought tears to my eyes and an urge to kill shaw