Reviews for The Figurehead of Queer Justice
Lia the kitten chapter 13 . 6/5/2017
THIS IS AMAZING! You should continue this work of art! It's almost been a year! .~.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/16/2016
Awww this fic is so sweet...thanks for the update. I really like how honest Dave is. Those two brought tears to my eyes T_T
ForceAlive chapter 13 . 8/26/2016
I started reading this about four or five days ago, and because of school, I haven't been able to read very much in one sitting, but I just can't stop reading! This was so interesting and insightful–not to mention hilarious–but also relatable. I go to a school specifically for emotionally troubled children(k-12) so I've seen a lot of this stuff close up, and I feel that you captured it well. I'm also *really* looking forward to finding out what happens with Daniel. Keep up the good work! ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
John "I am not a homosexual" Egbert
SharlindiaSixx chapter 13 . 7/5/2016
GlitchOfSpace chapter 13 . 6/12/2016
A lot of time passes - I see that you've updated - Proceed to flip out and read immediately - Become obsessed with story all over again - Think about it for weeks - Slowly forget and move on to other shit - A lot of time passes - I see that you've updated

The glorious cycle continues! The story continues to be glorious! I continue to lament yet understand the lack of updates! Stay amazing! :D
whatthehellwasithinkin chapter 13 . 6/12/2016
Oh yeeeeas! You didn't give up on this story at all! I was worried that was the case.
The boys are disgustingly cute together, good chemistry. I'm curious to see how the talks with that Daniel boy will go all things considered, he did try to kiss John.
Ah man, why didn't he say anything about it to his dad? I feel like that could have lessened some of the impact, maybe.
The Crossover Addict chapter 13 . 6/11/2016
I thank you for writing (the nsfw) this chapter! I loved reading every part of it. OwO
All this fluff is making my shipper heart so happy. The other day, I was almost ready to concede to the Titanic that was SS Davekat. But reading this snapped me back into JohnDave. Pepsicola to the end! *salutes while sinking*
Bitblondetoday chapter 13 . 6/10/2016
Im too lazy to log in but ! Its been so long and youve been up to so many cool things! Best of luck with everything :)

Yess for baby wlws
Dante Morgan chapter 12 . 5/17/2016
I really like this story a lot. The conversations between John and Dave are fantastic. Your characterization of Dave especially is spot-on. In fact I'm half-convinced Dave's lines were provided by Hussie himself!

Very excited for what happens next!
surprise mofos chapter 12 . 1/22/2016
oh my fuck, i can't believe how much i love this. everything's just hella amazing. the witty banters and everything really. i wasn't prepared for the truckload of feels ugh. i reallyreallyreally hope that you update bec this fic is basically my life. chapter 12 . 9/27/2015
Why am I just reading this now omg I love this and it would be great to see more , you are wonderful writers !
PEPSICOLASHIPPER chapter 12 . 7/3/2015
This chapter was really cute!
whatthehellwasithinkin chapter 12 . 5/17/2015
Wow, I started reading this a few days ago and finally caught up. All I have to say is DUUUDE. Well for starters I really like the way you guys did John and Dave (Jade and Rose too, and Daddy Egbert is simply awesome).
It's kind of a sad story, yes? But it's also filled with good things I think.
It sucks that it's just you now but either way good job so far!
Jade wanting to go live near her friends is a good development for John's psyche. Being near loved ones always helps. Dave is still a dork no matter where he is so there.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/23/2015
Ok, I found the review button, but where's the MORE button? It doesn't seem to sad...
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