Reviews for Tell Me Again
waterlily456 chapter 7 . 12/2/2012
I loved it! You incorporated the other characters well, and Luna and Bo are absolutely adorable together. i like getting some of Luna's POV at the end too.
xInactivex chapter 7 . 1/29/2012
Absolutely beautiful ending. Unfortunately, I'm a little drained right now so my review won't be very long, but I will tell you that I immensely enjoyed this story. Bo x Luna is by far one of my favorite Harvest Moon couples, and it's great that you made - and finished - a story about them.

I really like how you ended it with Luna's POV. It's nice to see a change from POV and to see what Luna thinks; give her a chance to defend herself, and I think she did so quite well. It's very understandable why she did what she did and I was scared for a second that she was going to truly deny Bo. Glad she got over her fears and said "I love you" to him. So sweet!

I like how Luke is always somehow in the way and ruins things, yet he fixes things, too. xD Silly Luke! By the way, I noticed a teensy little typo: when Luna was describing Luke, she said "happy-go luck" when it should be "happy-go-lucky". Other than that, perfect!

You're a wonderful writer and I hope to see more like this from you. I absolutely loved it! Great job, my deary~.

letmedeletemyaccountchallenge chapter 7 . 1/11/2012
Kyah~ It'sa gonna be a beautful relationship~ And now Gill will have no Luna, so he'll be forced to turn to Hikari/Akari! :D
I.Hope.You.Dance.7 chapter 7 . 1/2/2012
Aw, I'm sad this is over! It was a really sweet ride!

You ended it nicely- I loved the way you ended it in Luna's P.O.V. Very nice. :)

Been fun, and keep writing!
spacealiens chapter 7 . 12/30/2011
YAY! I'M A BOMB! Wait...the time tcking, exploding, killing, one?


Anyways, I loved it. Absolutely everything about this story was perfect and cute and adorable and fluffy and...and...AMAZING! You're right, there does need to be more BoxLuna, though.
Fooboo24 chapter 7 . 12/29/2011
This entire story was just too freaking cute! Great job!
spacealiens chapter 6 . 11/20/2011
Why haven't I read this yet? Gosh, this is adorable! But...wasn't there a bad word a while back? YAY! BAD WORDS!

Well, anyways, I...I love this! And Bo. And Luke. YOU GOT THEIR PERSONALITIES SPOT ON! Well, I actually don't know about Bo...BUT that's because in the videogame, my first priority is to get all the bells(AP) before befriending the peeps! I think it will end like this:

Bo knocks on Sonata Tailoring and it opens to reveal Luna. She shoves the bandana into his hands. "I'm sorry, Luna." Bo mumbles.

"Bo, I love youz!"


They randomly start making out!

The End.

JK! IDK actually. I just have this weird thought that it is gonna end sorta cliche-y. lol I seriously dun't know.
letmedeletemyaccountchallenge chapter 6 . 11/7/2011
:O Oh pancakes. I have a feeling this isn't going to go so well. But that's probably just because I had toast for breakfast. ;)
floopyrocks chapter 6 . 11/7/2011
MagicalSquaresOfDarkness chapter 6 . 11/6/2011



Either that or one of them die XD
letmedeletemyaccountchallenge chapter 5 . 10/16/2011
:o *speechless*
floopyrocks chapter 3 . 10/13/2011
he does? let me check... *turns game on*...OMG! ur right! wow... they look exactly like my converse!
Erin Is A Hot Mama 6969 chapter 5 . 10/8/2011
Oh, don't I fail... Derp.

Whoa. This is something happening IRL to me, my two friends.., ;-;

I looooooove Luna. And I feel bad for her, having to make such a huge decision. And Bo...

Womp. Womp womp womp.
Hmszelda chapter 5 . 10/7/2011
I can't wait to see what happens!
fooboo24 chapter 5 . 10/6/2011
Ooooh, Luke's gotta plan~ I knew it! Yay!

I really love this story, y'know. Like, a lot.

And poor Bo! Aww!
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