Reviews for Secrets and Dates
Gleebegay chapter 30 . 9/25/2016
I so wish this story had a sequel.
JadeLeeBerry chapter 30 . 2/12/2015
Loved the story, thanks for sharing with us, this should have alot more favs on it! Also love the fact you didn't write any song lyrics out when they were signing for competitions, hate that. It's hard to get the feel of a song just by reading the lyrics and so glad you didn't do that. Great story and loved the journey they went through.
JadeLeeBerry chapter 25 . 2/10/2015
Gosh this story is amazing, so much drama, but i love it :)
JadeLeeBerry chapter 10 . 2/9/2015
'I miss you' Awe.. My heart aches for them :'(
Loving this story btw :)
rokpest chapter 30 . 6/15/2014
I really want to slap myself for not reading this sooner! Gah! This is so good man! Been reading this since 4pm, and its 12:38am! Nice. Well done.
Reu5able chapter 30 . 4/29/2014
just finished re-reading.
just as great the second time around.
dullLogic chapter 30 . 3/24/2014
This story is really extremely fluffy! Love it!
lemon-rind chapter 30 . 3/12/2014
God. I loved this. Had to come back to it. :)
Guest chapter 4 . 10/17/2013
Lol, take it back.. Except that I do love your story!
Guest chapter 4 . 10/17/2013
This is the first time I have ever seen a fanfic author use a semicolon properly! You have excellent grammer. Did I mention that I love your story so far? Well, I do!
Eyghon chapter 30 . 9/28/2013
That was lovely.
audri.mata chapter 30 . 8/30/2013
Loved it. Loved all of it even when I cried and tried to read so fast my eyeballs were moving faster than I could read.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/6/2013
A well rounded story. Had a lot of fun reading it.
KimGCresentia chapter 30 . 3/12/2013
I love the stoty !
JPElles chapter 24 . 10/5/2012
Even if Fran and her father beat her I think this whole arc would be better, or would have been better I suppose, if Quinn had plans to beat her father and Fran. Not just scholarships and such. But maybe a friend's parent who's a lawyer who's pretty sure they could get at that college fund set up for her or anything really. I just see Quinn as more of a fighter. Someone who has to have there mind set on something, anything, constructive to work and build toward. Plans that could ultimatly fail and have been worth nothing I suppose, but I feel it would have made this part read better. It would still have the same depressing feel to it, but have been broken up better with some hope thrown in every once in a while.
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