Reviews for Babies are a gift from the Maker, Fenris!
vampire moonlight chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
love this story!
Little-Katsu chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
Ok, so I'm in love with this story. It's way more than just “well written”. It’s PER-FECT. Seeing M!Hawke and Fenris in this kind of situation is really sweet. My heart was melting as I saw how they were dealing with their new responsibilities. Especially Fenris who’s so not mentally ready to deal with children and raise them. But of course he would be an awesome daddy. He might be kind of socially awkward, but he’s so sweet and full of love and all. Such a lovely man. ;)

Oh, and I loved the children. Of course, I had a soft spot for Raziel and his relationship with Fenris. I wish I could have read more about them, about how their father-and-son relationship developed and all since their relationship is really special because of Fenris past, the fact that he kind of see himself in Raziel and all.

That part with M!Hawke, Fenris, Zevran and Isabella at the end of the marriage was awesome. So funny and great. It would have been even better to read what happened during that awesome night, but it was still great. ;)

I’m so going to read all of your other stories on Dragon Age. :D

(P.S. : sorry if my English isn’t all that great. I’m not that used to review stories (or even just write things) in English.)
Linnadhiel chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
Sjfvnlajdvksdjvb. This is the cutest thing ever. I love it. And I love cameos! Briilaint work. :D
TranquilTevine chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
My god this was a fic from heaven! I typed in Fenris/Child and wondered if anything would come up,and this did.I never dreamed I would come across an adopton fic with ,a female child! And an added child too.I love that it spans over DAO and DA2 . Fenris is is my favourite character,aside from Zevran.I seriously think I have an Elf that drunken foursome! I can well imagine what will have gone you so much for this,you've really made my night! :)
HidanFangirl chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
I can die peacefully now that I've read this fic. Thanks.
Tabi chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
rathlora chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
they are so sweet together!
I'm Doxophobic chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
The bit with Hawke wearing the pink apron was delightfully adorable! Thankfully you did not..degrade (for a lack of a better word) their characters or their masculinity to fit the 'mommy' and 'daddy' role. I liked that. I liked how Fenris was the grumpy but actually doting and understanding counterpart of Hawke in this, and how Hawke was silly but was portrayed to still be human and a parent enough to have his own insecurities and worries. I think they complemented each other rather well. :D

I honestly did not expect Raziel to find the love of his life earlier than Chantima, and I most especially did not expect him to find his heart taken by another man (but I guess I should've seen that, he was raised by M!Hawke and Fenris, after all). I found myself relieved when the boy's father turned out to be Zevran (he made me giggle), although it was deeply saddening to know that by the end of the fic that he and the Warden have died. I felt bad for Anders, and I felt sad for Hawke because it must've been so hard for him to remember what happened and what could have happened. :(

Thank you for not ending the fic with Hawke and Fenris' (peaceful and old) deaths. Or else I would end the night crying. ;A;
GingerLover123 chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
God, it's so bloody sad and i just...THE BLOODY FEELS.
Massydov chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
I loved this story!
OrielleD chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
It's adorable.
Beatrice chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
I found it funny that dear Fenris had to deal with children. Especially Rai. :)Great story, Fantastic job _ This is one of my favorites :) Maker guide you
Musicalrain chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
Oh! This was posted forever ago, but I feel the need to review! Absolutely amazing! I LOVED this! :D
Damaged.Link chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Hee hee, That was really cute. I liked it. u
DarkLadyXandra chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
You had me laughing, and you had me crying. The story was full of suprises, laughter, happiness, turmoil and saddness. You are truely an amazing writer. I thank you sincerely for sharing your gifts with us.
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