Reviews for Enemy
ilovetaylorswift13 chapter 16 . 2/9/2014
I just spent the past few hours reading this entire story and my god it was so good. I couldn't stop reading and had to keep going to see what would happen. Part of me was always questioning Clare and if she was being truthful. I never truly doubted she loved Eli, but after her whole I'm a monster speech it was clear that she was playing everyone. I believe what she put in her letter explained it well she never intended to fall in love with him b/c you know she was using him for information, but she truly did love him and doesn't regret it. If she hadnt she would have never gave up her purity ring and I knew that wasnt a ploy. I am glad eclare makes it through and you even had me feel for Edwards by the end of this whole thing. Side note fadam was adorable in ending was so cheesy and I am a sucker for cheesy. I will definately add this to my favorite story list.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/8/2013
One of my favorites!
The Cliffhanger Girl chapter 16 . 8/11/2012
I loved this story! Very well written and enjoyable! :)
silentscreams149 chapter 16 . 3/16/2012
This story was AMAZING! it was so unique, nothing i've ever read before.
EliLover28 chapter 16 . 12/20/2011
This is too weird! As I read "That Green Gentleman" I was listening to music and as soon as I opened this chapter that song came on! I love Panic the Disco! Almost as much as I love your stories!(: 3
LovinMunro95 chapter 16 . 11/29/2011
This is a beautiful ending to a beautiful story! you are an amazing writer and you should keep writing. Your story kept me entertained the entire time. :D
KitKat0219 chapter 16 . 11/28/2011

I can't.

This was so good.

I lvoed it so so much, and I absolutely adored how he proposed to her. So efing cute.

IandLoveandYou1 chapter 16 . 11/28/2011
Beautiful ending. Really beautiful :') it's sad it's over, but it ended well! Great story :)
ForverInYourArms chapter 16 . 11/27/2011
Ahh! This stiry has been amazing! Loved every single chapter! The ending was so sweet!
RRsabi chapter 16 . 11/27/2011
awe! soo cute!
eclaredegrassi95 chapter 16 . 11/27/2011
That was so freaking cute! Sad it's ending though.,
sophiainterrupted chapter 16 . 11/27/2011
"It's an amazing kind of new." I squealed. haha :)

Cece! oh I love how you got her personality down :D

but what made me squeal the most was Eli's proposal. ny heart is overjoyed!

Nice work, verbal-acuity! Can't wait for your next piece of fiction :D
sophiainterrupted chapter 15 . 11/27/2011
I know this is late. My bad. :/

So, they're starting over? I approve this!

Can't wait to read ch 16 :)

which is already up :D moving on
Freshie2013 chapter 16 . 11/27/2011
OMG! I can't believe it's over! It was so good! I'm so happy Eli proposed! It was a perfect ending and I just loved it!
jennisnowy chapter 15 . 11/22/2011
I totally loved this your great job :3
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