Reviews for While my wife and I were separated...
Gillian Conachan chapter 1 . 5/18/2003
I greatly enjoyed your story. I wondered if you have wrote any more?
jd burns chapter 1 . 1/5/2003
Nicely done. I even liked the restaurant scenes with Nina and Robert. Jack's jealousy is really well-done.
Nicola1 chapter 1 . 6/3/2002
Wonderful story; I throughly enjoyed reading it. Your characterisation of Jack, Nina and even Kim was spot-on. Excellent attention to detail too. The feather part was pure sweetness as well. ;)
KSIsMagic chapter 1 . 5/7/2002
Hey, it's me from the message boards! I settled down last night with this story and you hooked me right from the beginning. A lot of romance fictions I've come across are very overblown and idealized, but what was great about yours was how real & adult it is- not like some melodramatic fantasy. You seem to also have an excellent grasps of the characters' psyches and motivations that added to the believability of the story (and you wrote this when?). I can SO see Nina having the (non) reaction she did when Jack tells her he's getting back with Teri. She doesn't seem like the type who'd let a man see how much he means to her if it would make her look like a vulnerable and irrational creature.

I'm really anxious to read your other two stories on here, but unless I want to flunk out of school, it'll have to wait till after my exam (unfortunately).

BTW, even your choice of alcoholic beverages rocks!

Here's to a great read!

Aimee5 chapter 1 . 4/14/2002
This is great, are you going to continue it? I really hope you do. I'm also in the UK, it's so annoying being so far behind isn't it? I want to know what happens, but we're gonna have to wait ages to catch up, lol. Anyway, plz continue soon!
Aradia17 chapter 1 . 4/14/2002
Cool fic! I think you did it very well, it was very believable. I'm very glad has made a 24 section. Do you think you could check out my 24 fanfic? It's called In the End, but you could probably have found it, as it's the only other one in the section! ;) You guys are only up to five a.m. over there, huh? In the US we're up to 7 p.m., and I gotta tell ya, you haven't seen anything yet!
David William Cooper chapter 1 . 4/14/2002
This is good! I hope that you can do more with it. I am like a huge 24 fan, but I haven't really gotten around to doin a fic yet, but I am gonna do a fic novel on the Victor Drazen angle that they are using and maybe this new one with Hopper. I don't think y'all are that far *just* yet in the UK, but thats cool! And you have to know someone who knows what happens up to at least 3 P.M. because this is really, really, really close to what Terri and Nina talk about! I love it, did I say that? Anyway, good luck and hope to see more from ya!
