Reviews for Sacrificio
TheAmericanNinja chapter 1 . 11/6/2013

You big jerk ;;n;; You're such a good writer! Darn you for hitting Romano's personality right on the head! You're so mean AAAAAAA

I was looking for sad Roma fics for this reason but DANG did it hurt.

I'm just gonna go sad now.

Good job.

Really you're great.

I love you.


No homo.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Such a depressing way to start a morning. But that's why I love it! I think this depicts how I see Lovino pretty well. There's so much more to him than meets the eye, and this explains everything beautifully. I love Romano so much, and I think this made me like him even more.
KensyEcho chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
A fanfic like this always make me smiling and want to hug lovi. You know, in real life, many otaku don't like romano. If they love spamano, they prefer spain then romano.

But I'm curious. Why spain always love romano? But my fav chara is romano.

Thanks for making such a touchy fanfic like this. Ganbatte!
NONAMESWEREAVAILABLE chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
It was a little hard to read, not because of any grammar errors or anything, (the grammar was pretty much perfect) but the paragraphs could probably be split up a little bit more, and that's the only criticism I have.

This is brilliant, especially in that it made things that happened for other reasons or arbitrary or strategic reasons (I don't really know why certain cities were bombed more over others, I think for Naples it had something to do with it being an important strategy point or something) happen because of choices that were made, so even if that's kind of mucking around with accuracy, this is excusable because it was handled much better than it usually is. at least in my opinion. :)
AshCollector chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
*glomps* this is awesome yo! For some reason I love dark!feli and caring!lovi. They're so cute! *huggles story* awesome bro, serious face.
NekOtaku chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
aww~ poor Romano! Great story :)
Bakage chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
aw, that was so sweet. i loved it!
Map of the Stars chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
You know what? I love Lovino/Romano (I still don't know the difference between the/why there are two names for the Italies!) so fucking much. He's SO underrated as a character. People only write about him so much because of the Spamano pairing. It's a MAJOR rarity to see anyone just write about /him/, you know? That's why I love this so much. Seriously. I'd go as far to say that Romano is one of my favourite characters - *thinks* - yep, England, Prussia, Russia, Switzerland and South Italy are my top five. I've just decided. And yeah, this is the exact same theory I have - honestly, I know it's hard to deal with people like him and England, put people only lash out to keep others at a difference. It's just a shame that more people can't see that.

This was so lovely. And even though it was short, I felt like it was the absolutely perfect length - not to short and I didn't feel like it needed elaborating in the slightest. You pretty much covered everything. I didn't know about the bombing thing! Man, I love Hetalia! I learn something new contantly... (I didn't even know about Prussia until I got into this fandom! And I had no idea about all the different relations - like Poland and Lithuania or Germany and Italy/Japan! I've become freaking amazing at geography, too. Heh.) Um I forgot where I was now derp. Oh yeah! I felt so sad reading about Antonio always prefering Feli, and Feli not wanting his help. D'awww. I really liked your perspective on his "relationship" (for lack of a better word) with Germany! I never really thought of it like that before; the impression I always got was that he just wanted Feli to himself, and/or he was jealous of their closeness compared to his and Spain's.

The last line COMPLETELY off guard, I'm not even gonna lie. This whole fic was like a paradox or something... (I can't think of the right word)... Seriously. All this business about "masks"... It was majorly ironic for me that he was so strong and self-assured on the inside but then you get that last line and he's openly upset on the outside. Like the opposite of a mask, eh?

Erm, just incase this is too TL;DR (which it is... Sorry!) then I'll summarize this in one word: BRILLIANT. Fantastic, incredible.

Okay, that's three words but WHATEV. I really, really loved this hjll;kjhgd.

Okay, I'm done now. :) Thanks for uploading!