Reviews for If You Could Only See
jenny crum chapter 38 . 5/26
An awesome ending but I hated to see the story end
jenny crum chapter 37 . 5/26
I'm glad that Kouga got his happily ever after too, he deserved to be as happy as the others
jenny crum chapter 36 . 5/26
Awwwwww, yeah, they're having another baby
jenny crum chapter 32 . 5/26
This is the chapter I've been waiting the entire story for, yes, yes, yesssss they are finally together, they are mates for life
CATerina129 chapter 38 . 12/24/2018
Loved this story the only thing that could have been better was more inu yasha and kagome together
Guest chapter 12 . 12/15/2018
"Higurashi Kagome" equals "Sunset/Evening Star".
iChaos chapter 38 . 8/15/2018
The idea that the human blood of a hanyou will eventually succumb to it's own mortal nature is an interesting andas far as I knoworiginal concept.

The story itself was enjoyable, but the complete presentation suffers from all of the notes and review respones.
NarukoSon chapter 38 . 9/27/2017
I found this by accident and I have to say amazing thanks for the wonderful read
Devon A. Snow chapter 38 . 4/28/2017
Loved this alternate ending story! I read it all in one sitting and could read it all over again. I did guess what Inuyasha had spied in the well and that it was his own family that he misjudged. Poor Inuyasha. So quick to pass judgment and so slow to talk about it. He could save himself a lot of heart ache if he would just speak up! But then he wouldn't be the Hanyou we know and love!

Also, props for the idea about his human blood dying off once it became older. I never thought about it that way but it make sense.
Phantasmal Abduction chapter 37 . 1/15/2017
I love this story. I've lost count of how many times I've reread it lol.
Heh, I don't know if you're still reading/receiving reviews, but I just wanted to tell you how awesome I think your writing is. Again lol.
SplendentGoddess chapter 38 . 3/1/2015
...and everything comes full circle. Lovely story! I love these 'and everything is as it should be' types of paradoxical self-fulfilling prophecy stories. The only thing that doesn't make sense is why the well opened up all of a sudden after seven years, but since when did the Bone Eater's well make any sense? Perhaps it had been struggling along with Inuyasha to work for the last seven years, to fight the influence of Naraku's wish. Or some kami just snapped their fingers and did it because it needed to happen. If Inuyasha hadn't seen what he'd seen then he *would* have gone straight to Kagome as soon as she returned on her side, and while I'm sure they would've still had a happily ever after, things would've definitely been different. She never would've became a composer, for one thing. And little Takao wouldn't exist. Ultimately in the end Inuyasha *was* right to stay away, in order to save Takao's life. He just didn't know *why* he was right. It was rather obvious to me the first instant you showed us a depressed Inuyasha back from the well what he'd seen on the other side, and I knew it'd turn out to be his *own* family, but even knowing that, it was still a fabulous ride. Read the whole thing in one sitting! This last bonus chapter was just a riot! Even Shippou getting drunk and buying that sign was destiny at work, LOL. Had Inuyasha not forbad them from seeing Kagome then Kagome might not even have been named Kagome! LOL! By the by, I also love the idea of his human blood just aging and dying after a while, so he ultimately became full-youkai. Not like he'd have known all along it'd happen since he was probably the first hanyou to ever live that long. Kudos for originality! :-) Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, you said in one of your a/n's that you didn't understand why the well suddenly opened again in the canon. It's because Kagome wished it with all her heart, closing her eyes and thinking "Inuyasha, I want to be with you." I think it was different in the anime, in the old episode where Inuyasha stole her shards and shoved the tree down the well and for a minute she was trapped until Shippou jumped in with a jewel shard. I think if memory serves in the anime version the shard went through the well to her, and thus began the fanon belief that she can't travel through the well without a jewel shard (despite the fact that when she returns after graduating junior high right before the final battle she obviously didn't have a jewel shard), but in the manga version the shard doesn't come through to her. She's sitting in the bottom of the well and thinks that she wants to be with Inuyasha again, and then suddenly the well works for her. She could sense the shard, that's what drove her to the well, but the shard didn't come through, it appeared in her hand after she appeared in the past. So RT was showing us back then that if she wished it hard enough (and maybe used her miko power?) she could force her way through the well. Just thought I'd explain that, but I loved your story though! I love alt-ending what-if scenarios. :-)
kakkn chapter 38 . 9/25/2014
Loved it! Loved it all the way around! Great Fic and just the ultimate in Inuyasha's misguided thoughtfulness lol!
kakkn chapter 37 . 9/25/2014
Love the way you put Ayame in it! It's just perfect!
BlushyBunnyChan chapter 36 . 8/25/2014
OMG! Great Story!
Cant blev u C chapter 38 . 7/29/2014
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