Reviews for Chessmaster
Crystal Lorelei chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
Wow...that's some symbolism there. I love it _ it's so cool and takes you on a new and higher perspective of things
Caracal222 chapter 1 . 3/19/2009
Simply an amazing view into the mind of Wesker. It's a shame that we never really got to see any of his motives before RE5. It really makes one think...
RamenKitty chapter 1 . 7/3/2003
Wow! that was...Wow! beautifully written-elegant in its compositions and descriptions. A picture of a mind what works in twisted and sadistic ways. Awesome. Most awesomness
Todd B. James chapter 1 . 6/2/2002
Whoa. Mind-blowing. I just love the whole inter-plot cavorting this story does around the twisted mind of Wesker. It's simply, disgustingly exquisite. I always love a well-written story about a well-loved game(et al) centered around the well-hated baddie. The baddies always give me shivers, yet a smile of irreverant malignancy always cuts across my face when I put yself in their position. Marvelous work from a marvelous author.
Pink Mouse chapter 1 . 4/24/2002
I will never be able to look at my beloved chess set again in the same way. My favorites were always the bishops-smooth, suave, sliding in from odd angles. I think I won't be able to rank them anymore...they're not just inanimate wood any longer.
BonusParts chapter 1 . 4/18/2002
How do you give constructive criticism to something written THIS well? I especially liked the very last line.
J.M. Howard chapter 1 . 4/15/2002
Extremely intriguing. It's amazing how you can get inside the character's minds and put their thoughts down so fluidly. And I also like in your notes, you talk about them like real people. Very nicely done, I just wish you wrote more Res Evil! _
sefie chapter 1 . 4/14/2002
Original. Smashing. Keep it up.