Reviews for Shades of Gray
Fabery chapter 1 . 5/13
Happy to discover a sequel to B&A
ashdash chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Just got back from vacation and I saw this update I was so excited! Loved every chapter of this story I'm so glad you decided to finish it, I hope you continue to write!
Lisa17989 chapter 21 . 7/2/2012
Really, really enjoyed the story and lots of hurt Damon ;-) I actually just came across all your stories and loved every single one of them. I really like your writing style and the way you portray emotions in the characters. Are you planning on starting another story? I would soooo look forward to that :D
ashdash chapter 9 . 5/7/2012
Wow why doesnt this story have many reviews I loved this story I hope u update soon! I next to know what happens next!
Chella8181 chapter 20 . 1/30/2012
I absolutely love your story! Keep on updating! :)
nightfallsupernova chapter 20 . 1/28/2012
i really love this chapter and yes i just read the summary and thatnk you for that, i felt so bad for damon blaming himself when its not his fault and elena isnt helping by saying it was his fault. i loved the discussion alaric and damon had and i dont blame damon for leaving at the end, hes just protecting himself cos experience has told him to get out before he gets hurt and i love that you went in that direction rather then having everything all puppies and rainbows like in some other stories which is not realistic in my eyes. look forward to the next chapter.
Angelfan984 chapter 20 . 1/28/2012
Good chapter, so heartbreaking. Damon needs to go to Elena and comfort her. What happens next? Update soon!
lync chapter 20 . 1/27/2012
I loved Alaric and Damon's conversation! Hope Damon's going to see Elena and I'm so happy this story was updated.
scarlett2112 chapter 20 . 1/27/2012
so glad you're back.. I had kind of given up on it.. Damon is so wallowing in despair.. I can see Elena's POV, but I can also understand Damons.. She did tell him it was his fault.

They both need to come together...Thanks for updating I had been enjoying the story but forgot about it during your hiatus. I'm glad you decided to try to get back to it and It was a good chapter although sad..
Pheobe chapter 20 . 1/27/2012
The self-loathing is getting old and fast. You've written this storyline before; Damon leaving town because he feels like it's the best thing for Elena. Perhaps some new material and a twist or two? The story needs it.
Riley Holden chapter 19 . 12/26/2011
I absolutely love this story. I usually don't read WIPs but since I loved Blood and Ashes so much, I couldn't resist. Please, please finish it!

This story is so creative and I love how you're exploring how Elena is learning to deal with Damon's sharp edges. On the show, Elena kind of ignores Stefan's edges (which, until recently, were a bit duller than Damon's) but with Damon she cannot. It really amps up the angst because she has to learn to accept who he truly is in order to love him.

I also love how we get other perspectives. We got to hear how Caroline and Bonnie feel about Damon (how they learn to accept him) and how Damon feels about everything. Here we get to see his intense vulnerability and watch how he handles things, even ones that are more than he can handle (if that makes any sense).

I truly love it and cannot wait to see how you handle Bonnie's death. Looking forward to more! (hint hint)
Jess chapter 19 . 11/26/2011
plz update! i love this story! :)
easybugboy chapter 19 . 10/4/2011
I'm not really a huge fan of her, but poor Bonnie! And, most of all, poor Damon... It's not your fault! :( I hope when Elena kind of gets over the initial shock of Bonnie's death, she'll apologise to him.

Eeek! Excited to see what happens next! :) xx

- Shelly.
brisearc chapter 18 . 10/2/2011
I really like this is a real pleasure to read don't kill Damon,we need him . I like the way you put him into misery because I don't like "super hero" who doesn't feel any pain. Keep going like that
easybugboy chapter 18 . 10/1/2011
You're not the only one disappointed in Elena this season. She's really starting to bug me..

Anyway, I loved this chapter! :) Yay, the warlock is finally dead! ... or is he?

Oh, and that was cruel of you to leave us with such a cliffhanger :p Update soon! xx

- Shelly.
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