Reviews for Dressed Again
Cat chapter 1 . 1/8/2003
Yum! More please! THis seems to have the potential to be QUITE amusing. Not that it already isn't _;; Zel in a dress is just too much fun.

Keitsu Han'ei chapter 1 . 10/20/2002

that's it .
Eternal Firesinger chapter 1 . 5/13/2002
Excellent! I can't wait to see if you add more chapters! I love Zel-kun in drag and those two together are terrific. A wonderful combination. Please, write more!
Ivy chapter 1 . 5/4/2002
Sequel/new chapter please! I totally agree with you that Zel and Xel make a cute couple
lina chan chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
strange but still a good story
Ayas Shadow chapter 1 . 4/16/2002
Me LIKE! Write more! PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE! Want more! This is to good an idea for you to pass it up! Zell in a dress, again! Xell thinking its sexy! Can we say perfect oportunity for a major hook up? I LLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE ZellXell! They are just so darn CCUUUUTTTTTEEEE! Please continue it!
PandaBear007 chapter 1 . 4/16/2002
Adorable, adorable! Though you do need to use the Spellchecker. _~ I myself love X/Z couples, so don't let people other close-minded peeps get ya down-if you want to continue it, then do so! (I vote for a sequel).
Yaaoh chapter 1 . 4/16/2002
Oh continue, continue! Z/X is the absolute best! _

This is great~! You must continue! Yay SoLeo! *realizes she making an fool of herself* ... please?
MoroTheWolfGod chapter 1 . 4/15/2002
Yay! Please continue Xel/Zel 4Ever! YAY! I like Xel/Zel too!

My Favorite Alternate Couple!
Kaeru Shisho chapter 1 . 4/15/2002
I lik as well as a couple. Go ahead, write more. Your dialogues are wonderful. I love the scene (which I can picture so well because of your terrific way with pregnant pauses) where Zel is waiting for Xelloss to answer... 'you're not everything I've got going...' Heh, heh... I did laugh! Thanx
Dagger chapter 1 . 4/15/2002
That was so kawaii! I think you should definately continue. Xel and Zel are my favourite couple from Slayers even if they're not canon... So anyway...