Reviews for How To Escape An Arranged Mating
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
Hi, is this story likely to be updated? Because it's way too good to be abandoned :)
Illyavonillya chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
oh i love this so much please come back
rufnkiddingme chapter 6 . 12/25/2017
please update. I want to know this story will end.
the Honeycomb chapter 6 . 7/15/2017
Well that last chapter was QUITE a doosie. Took me 2 days to read! It seems like this has been on the backburner for a while, or maybe you've avoided this website altogether, but if you do intend to finish this, know that you have a thrilled audience waiting for the next installment. Your ideas about Inuyoukai and China are fascinating and I can actually see how that could be believable (based on our human myths and history). I do hope you continue to write, especially updating this story, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading what you posted so far! So many interesting ideas and thoughts and concepts, and I love your Kagome and Sesshoumaru. I had hoped Shippo would have a bigger role, but I can see how it might be tricky to include him in the upcoming scenario. I hope Sesshoumaru doesn't end up being a dick when he wakes up. I am Definitely looking forward to the moment Sesshoumaru stops running from his own instincts and feelings and accepts little Kags.
Anonymouse chapter 6 . 3/30/2017
Heeeeeeeeey are you alive? Because I would loooove a continuation of this story . I totally get losing motivation but please, ugh, I want moreee
SilentQuill23 chapter 6 . 9/4/2016
Wow, Im super bummed that this has been left incomplete :( I am really enjoying the storyline! I hope you consider updating soon!
kenyamawusi99 chapter 6 . 6/11/2016
AWESOME STORY! I really hope you continue writing it!
eurielle chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
This made me left hanging on a clift.

There's nothing wrong with the story, really, and I quite like it, love it even, but the thought of Sesshoumaru getting pushed around be a female is a little bit disconcerting. I understand that they need Meiling to secure Japan's future, or whatever that is implied in this story, but it is too much how Sesshoumaru's mother let another woman tortured and practically rape him. I can see that the issue of gender equality, or most likely matriarchal, is being played out in this story, the evidence can be seen through Kagome and Sesshoumaru's conversation about women not being respected or men left to take of the children while women go to work.
It's also quite hard to grasp the theme of the story, partially because it is incomplete and also because it seemed like a love story that cannot or will not end happily. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, but it really made me curios as to how you will end it because it seemed really hard to finish a story such as this. I commend you though for writing such long chapter contents, so in exchange I wrote this long (in my opinion) comment.

Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to continuing reading this and your other works.

Signed Eurielle
Nyght elf chapter 6 . 11/26/2015
wow just wow. amazing fic. i do hope you will update soon. i can see the time needed to write such gigantic chapters, but hopefully you will find time. i admire how you kept everyone in character and the way you twisted those customs, just wow! i do wish to see what's next! hope you will update meanwhile i wish you good luck and thank you for writing this. thx and take care!
welliegirl16 chapter 6 . 9/17/2015
please finish this story! you are a very talented writer and I would love to know how this ends.
sesshomarumate to be chapter 6 . 5/12/2015
Wow this story is amazing I hope to update soon! The way the plot is a going has me half way of my seat lol!
Anonymouse chapter 6 . 4/11/2015
Yo, you need to update this.
Shebali chapter 6 . 10/9/2014
The chapters you post are monstrous in all the best ways.

I hope you'll pick this story up sometime.

...oh look, 6am. Good thing that sleep is for the weak then...
Update chapter 6 . 4/9/2014
Please UpDate.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/7/2013
I really like your writing. Will this story be updated soon?
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