Reviews for Pygmalion
guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
very romantic. :-) it's perfect!
aakakjjahfa chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
This was really cute, I felt like the ending was wayyyy too rushed though
Bubblegumhairedmonster chapter 1 . 3/30/2014
A darling fic written about Cloud and Sephiroth's relationship from a wonderfully different universe. Pygmalion was applied beautifully to this story, and I really have to appreciate the way you didn't just make Sephiroth fall in love with Cloud at first sight, ending it with a cliche note. I loved it. Thank you
Ulquiarra chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
Oh my goodness, Sephiroth. 'You aren't invited.' XD you know Angeal just wants to reply about how he wouldn't want to spend time with a meanie head like Sephiroth anyway! Haha, so cute. you really feel for poor Cloud and his (previously) unrequited adoration for the one thing in his messed up world that is truly perfect. I love it. Thank you for writing it. :)
Ray-chan01 chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
OMG I almost cried while reading this story!

It's so wonderful!

I really love it!

You've done very very well
Nephelae chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
"The man was gleefully spreading butter on untoasted bread."

*shakes head chuckling* It's the little things.

God, so horribly sad! But beautiful in a soft sad tone that way.

Genesis cannot be held responsible for his actions. This is Sephiroth we're talking about.

Too much to say that I cannot form into words. Kudos.
FrostedMidnight chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
Awwwww! SO cute! I was a little afraid to read this one, just because in the original pygmalion the story is reversed, and there is love, and then disdain, instead of disdain and then love. But this was very sweet, thanks for a good read :)

Much Loves,

Sevvus chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
woot! ...i want to write a lot..but i just dont know what to was just so amazingly wonderful to read...i think speechless! i mean i know it was a one shot but still! i loved everything about it..i wish it was longer though XD
pure emerald chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
gah, i can't believe i haven't read this wonderful fic earlier...however, i'm kind of glad that i waited until today to read it, because i'm having one of the worst day in my life and reading your fic kind of help to cheer me up... )

at first, i really feel like strangling seph for being so rude. just how can he be so mean towards sweet, little cloud? argh!

though, like cloud, i tried to reason that he was being like that because he was having difficulty to adjust to the new world...yep.

and i can't help but smile at the beautiful ending...with seph being his usual self but sweet around cloud )))

love angeal too, he's so nice, caring and protective of cloud, a perfect big brother character for someone like our dear cloudy...hehe

though it would be nice if zack is around in the story as cloud's best friend... D
OnceUponAFedualFairyTale chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
I really, really liked this! It had an interesting concept that turned out beautifully.
Winter.Petals chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Awww, this is becoming something of a habit! Prepare for the stomach mould, that was adorable 3
PipTheAlmighty chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Adorable! I love it! Kinda sad it had to end, but so do all good things in life. Great job, it came out wonderful!

lareien chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
thank you!

was very beautiful!
QuEen0fs0ng chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Adorable. And a little bit of cheesiness never hurt anyone. I do love my greek myths and I love fics that incorporate myths, fairytales or what have you into the story. And I must say that I was really touched when Cloud brought out the photo albums and started talking about his mom. I almost cried a little bit.
ShadesofImagination chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
Lilies, I have never wanted to kill Sephiroth so much in my life! How could he have been so mean to Cloud like that! UGH! I wanted to punch him.

ANYWAY the point.

Honestly, I thought it was great. It was a little more angsty than you normally go for and it was great! I'm SO SO SO SO glad you finished it and that I could help!


Oh, and. Your review style. IT'S WEARING OFF ON ME.
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