Reviews for Skip the Charades
Dominic Flandry chapter 5 . 1/12/2016
Wow. You're sickic. ;) You saw Season 8 coming.
Zeki Young chapter 5 . 6/19/2014
Beautiful. Painful. Brilliant.
GT500RonSmith chapter 5 . 4/14/2013
Would a broken heart healing actually have a 'snap' to it? I don't know, but it was a nice effect! This ended up wonderfully!
GT500RonSmith chapter 4 . 4/14/2013
Okay, I can't seem to keep up with this one, but this chapter brought some watery eyes! Nice!
GT500RonSmith chapter 3 . 4/14/2013
This is very sad! So, Alexis is mad at her for endangering her dad? And she is torn between what she feels she must do and what her heart wants. Sad place to have to live.
GT500RonSmith chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
Let the girl have a beer, Castle!
GT500RonSmith chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Interesting start! Trying to figure out where we are! Kate has a key to the loft and seems close to Alexis, but?
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 5 . 8/23/2012
Honestly, I can only hope that wherever S5 goes, that we get powerful moments like this story to paint the picture of just how much these two need each other...or a clear scene where Alexis and Kate get down to brass tacks over Kate's relationship with Castle and its effect on both of them. You give us a glimpse with Alexis' admission of confronting Kate and her regrets over what got said...but I really think that Alexis and Kate will need to air their grievances and lay out their feelings for one another and the concept of Caskett to allow for certain movement once Kate and Rick have been dealing with being a couple!

headoverhook chapter 5 . 7/26/2012
Ahhh, the end made me all teary-eyed. Another amazing job! Alexie and Castle's talk was heartbreaking and I loved Castle just kissing Kate and to hell with waiting. :-)
Trekkenbeck chapter 5 . 7/22/2012
Awwwwwwww! Emotional and sweet!

I'm reading all of your stories now; can't put them down. What will I do when I've read them all?
Amasayda chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
What an amazing story! I really, really loved it. I was amazed by your writing and couldn't stop reading. Truly. This was such a nice insight into the characters' feelings and thoughts, simply wonderful. I love it. Especially, when Beckett and Castle are so hurt and careful around each other and slowly find their way to a bit more clarity. This is a truly great story. You should and can be proud.

Thanks so much for sharing the story with us. I absolutely loved it.

Take care and have a great weekend,

Quietlyimplode chapter 5 . 11/17/2011
I reread this today and realized in the absence of no episodes how close you've come to perfect here. I love it so much.
Mathiilde3 chapter 5 . 10/22/2011
Wonderful, wonderful story. You made me ache and melt all at the same time. This was very beautiful. My mind was having a hard time connecting the dots, but I think that is more because I'm am so endlessly tired right now and nothing with your story. It was lovely. I loved Kate and Alexis and the last chapter. Brilliant!
centava chapter 5 . 9/27/2011
Wow, ches, I'm not sure what to say about this story. Seriously depressing, even with the sort-of happy ending. It's hard to believe that 7 months post-shooting (May to January), Kate would be in such ill, barely functioning health, as if she'd never done any PT, or didn't hit the gym like a demon as soon as she was able. I'd more likely believe Castle being run down just from depression and loneliness than Kate.

Gotta say, though well written, it feels really OOC for Kate at least. Castle, a little less so.
maisma51 chapter 5 . 9/9/2011
Wow. This is something that I could really, really imagine happening on the show. Fantastic stuff, as always. Thanks for writing.
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