Reviews for The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Lovegranted chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
Well, that wasn't expected! You have a really interesting way of writing... in a good way! It was very poetic and dramatic... the way it climaxes and falls again... I liked it! It was very well done... good job!
Kissy Fishy chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
It was very, very choppy, and jumbled, and for some reason that made it even prettier. It was strangely beautiful, and... well, wow. I loved the choppiness. I loved your details. I don't know what I didn't love in this fic. It was just, for lack of a stronger word, beautiful.

My heart is racing from the wonderful choppiness of this piece. So I will favorite it in order to read it again someday and get the same rush.