Reviews for My Telepath
AB Negative chapter 11 . 5/2
Wish there was more of an ending than this.
TeamEricNSookie chapter 11 . 8/4/2019
OMG this is only the beginning. O hope you went on with the story.
TeamEricNSookie chapter 1 . 8/3/2019
This has the makings of a great story…
AidualcLupa chapter 11 . 7/25/2018
What a wonderfull tale! Thank you so much for sharing! It's one of my all time favorites, and I still hope you'll co tinue someday... Till then be safe. Regards from Hamburg/Germany
bashfyl chapter 11 . 6/12/2018
This is great. child sookie was so much better than canon sookie. thanks for sharing
Ihootie chapter 11 . 10/8/2016
I love all your stories. Wish they were complete
AZSeaOtter chapter 11 . 3/15/2016
Very charming story. I loved that Eric protected Sookie from the asylum, her parents, Uncle Bartlette, the towns-people thinking she was crazy, and even fairies meaning to do her and her family (Gran, Jason, and Hadley) harm. He was able to provide a somewhat normal life for her, considering her telepathy, while letting her stay safe with Gran. The best creepiness...Eric loved her as a caregiver, the way a child should be loved...very innocent. Great story! Thanks for sharing!
MiniLover chapter 11 . 10/8/2015
Great story! I would have loved to have seen where this story was headed! Bummer.
Frost Merry Darkness Luver chapter 11 . 9/30/2015
Why end here?
VampMad50 chapter 11 . 8/30/2015
I really enjoyed it but I'm disappointed there's no continuation
ilovemysteries chapter 11 . 7/7/2015
Sad it ended but ay least it wasn't a cliffhanger
ilovemysteries chapter 4 . 7/7/2015
Absolutely loving it so far
tleel chapter 11 . 1/8/2015
Just finished reading your story and loved it. I too hope you get around to writing Sookie as an adult.
tleel chapter 8 . 1/8/2015
I love it (she might ground us) just love that line.
bib2009 chapter 11 . 12/6/2014
Love the black humour!
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