Reviews for Where Soul Meets Body
a pun or something chapter 5 . 8/22
From your profile, it seems like you're not on this site anymore so you probably won't see this review, but on the off-chance you ever come back and scroll through the comments, I just wanted to say that I thought this story was wonderful. :)

The characterization was excellent, I really liked the environment you painted, and the dialogue was very well-written and entertaining.

I also really liked the idea of Shaak giving Sheelal her saber crystal as a token to remember her by. It was a wonderfully bittersweet way to end the story, as well as adding implication for what Sheelal would become in the future.

Altogether, a very enjoyable read. Nice work. :)
Guest chapter 5 . 1/1/2018
You were actuallypretty accurate with the ages, at least with Shaak Ti’s age
Guest chapter 5 . 2/26/2016
You should make a sequel to when Shaak ti and Grievous meet again when Grievous is a cyborg.
Leafstar67 chapter 5 . 9/10/2015
pls update good story
vampireyautja chapter 5 . 2/18/2015
Oh my god, I remember reading this when I was still in high school. Brings back a lot of memories. I still love it and can't believe you went back to it. Reminds me to do te same one of these days. Loved shaak ti and 'greivous' interactions.
Metastability chapter 5 . 2/17/2015
I have to say, I never gave these this ship a second glance as I thought it was just plain ridiculous and far-fetched. Then I read your stories and now they are one of my most favorite couples.
FloatingPizza chapter 5 . 2/17/2015
Long time no see! Good call splitting this up, and I enjoyed the opportunity to reread this, as it's one of my favorite little AU/what-if stories on this site, but you know you really, really got my hopes up for an expansion when I saw all of those nice flashy chapter alerts appear in my inbox, right? So I'm definitely seconding the development of those nebulous Shaak/Grievous plans of yours, even though it's been a couple of solid years since I was really into Star Wars.
And retyping this whole thing? Yikes. I admire your dedication! For future reference, if you right click on a page and hit 'view page source', the text of the chapter should appear nice and neat for you, with only couple of easily-removed little HTML formatting tags to muddle it up.
Re: your comment on this sounding old and cringe-worthy (which, for the record, I don't really think it is, and the parts that tend that way are redeemed by the excellence of the story concept) - I just reread my original review, and goodness gracious I sound every inch the squealing teenage fangirl that I was. Sheesh. At least my enthusiasm for the story was well-conveyed. Maybe this review is a bit more composed - at any rate, summing it all up, I was happy to see you return to "this crackmess of a ship", and once I get around to watching The Book of Life I'll make my way over to your gravepainters fics and read them. Till then, best wishes!
burue106 chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
Hey I really liked this. You should really consider doing a shaak ti and grievous centered story. You know just an idea.
Cooljoe64 chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
This was really good,
smoky1989 chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
please continue writing i like the ending pretty sad
Shayza100 chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
cute story!
grievousrommel chapter 1 . 5/15/2013
beautiful. it would be nice if you did a full story on this. Please make it rebellion era.
captaincuddlesthegreat chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
"It would take nothing short of brain surgery to ever make me forget you, Shaak Ti." -made me cry. Wonderful story, dude. I really like the friendly atmosphere.
Taiyong Medical chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
It would be interesting to see a sequel wich happens after Grievous becomes what he is...
aburameclanhead chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
So beautiful. But so sad! I almost cried when he said brain surgery!
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