Reviews for Yusuke's First Rut
Kimnd chapter 2 . 10/2/2018
"Oh, long before we met you." Kurama said, smiling fondly for a moment, "I went through my first rut with him."
Wait I thought these two met for the first time in like episode five? And wasn’t Kurama’s whole backstory that he had turned himself into a human or something? Or does this mean they mated when Kurama was still a fox deamon and then fell out of touch? But what ab—hey guess what nobody gives a shiiiiit
You’re right, rudely interrupting voice!
Instead i’ll just point out that, in hindsight, Yuskue figuring that seducing Kurabara would be “too awkward” would be hilarious if it didn’t mean he was setting himself up for sexual assault and suicide.
But yeah i mean asking your friend to have sex with you that’s a tough one—having a stranger lick your butt is definitely a better choice
Kimnd chapter 13 . 8/23/2018
*reads first line* ...what kind of chest... wouldn't have muscle in it? *glances down at self* ooooh right, boobs, duh

Never, ever read up on having anal sex because you'll end up thinking stuff like "wait so did Yusuke take a shit in the bathtub of sadness or something because otherwise I don't see how there wasn't any poop on Kuwabara's dick"
Kimnd chapter 12 . 8/23/2018
This story is actually very interesting to contrast to the Alpha Beta Omega Dynamics tag on Ao3 that I spend way more time perusing than I care to admit. In those stories both parties lose their minds the way Yusuke does here, but that's always left me feeling kinda cold. It's like "satire" without a straight (heh) man, you know? This, though, is actually interested in exploring the dynamics of consent. Not all of it is 100% positive I'd argue (if it wasn't for Magical Demon Biology, that whole "fuck or die" thing would be a looooot more gross-and even with it it's a little gross), but the fact that you've got somebody talking about it at all makes this story more than just fodder for porn, ya know? *glances meaningfully at ABODynamics tag*
Beyond that, though, this seems more like just a fun, raunchy time!
Kimnd chapter 11 . 8/23/2018
"Great... it really is a fuck or die situation, huh?"
Kimnd chapter 10 . 8/23/2018
Geez... way to vilify somebody for not wanting to fuck on the first date

it's almost like this says something about sex as currency and how it relates to obligatio t
Kimnd chapter 9 . 8/22/2018
Either the next five chapters are just gonna be fucking, or something is going to go horribly wrong, I would bet my bottom dollar on it
Kimnd chapter 8 . 8/22/2018
What, and hide his sick tats? We gotta give other people the chance to ogle a sixteen-year-old boy's bare chest, right?
Wait this is japan so it's totally cool guys
Kimnd chapter 7 . 8/22/2018
Kuwabara, good job-way to stick to the bro code!
Kimnd chapter 6 . 8/22/2018
*bursts into quiet snickers upon reading Hiei's "I'd kill for you" comment* OH MY GOD YUSKUE YA LITTLE SHIT that's what you get for looking into a tent when two people are fucking, dickweed jesus! aw man I love it!

Yusuke before this chapter: no I'm not gay what lel
Yusuke after this chapter: Waka Waka iDubbbzTV 1 hour
Kimnd chapter 6 . 8/22/2018
Yuskue's friends
I've never met you, fuck I haven't even see y'all in the show yet outside the OP
but like
you seem to have really different values about what rape is and what sex is? Granted Yu Yu Hakushou takes place in... the eighties I think, nineties at the latest, and things were very different then. But even then rape was considered a preeeeetty bad thing! So maybe when your friend is going so crazy that he's letting strangers fuck him, it may be considered a Bad Thing and that your friend is Incapable Of Acting In His Own Best Interests, and also that Maybe You Shouldn't Let Him Wander Around What Amounts To A Demon Sex Club For Two Weeks

I dunno just a thought
(to the writer, this isn't a negative critique or anything, it's more just a sign that you've characterized things pretty well!)
Kimnd chapter 5 . 8/22/2018
Remember, kids: when it comes to anal, there's no such thing as too much lube.
Kimnd chapter 4 . 8/22/2018
I haven't actually watched much of this show, but damn that moment where the guy says "What a horrible place to exist" was kind of too pure for this sinful world.
Kimnd chapter 4 . 8/22/2018
"hm our friend doesn't wanna have sex with anybody else where should we take him"
"hey what about the fuck forest"
"fucking brilliant"
OtterMischief chapter 14 . 5/12/2018
This was awesome! I never thought I would like these two together but I did! Amazing!
kitsunelullaby chapter 14 . 2/12/2014
I enjoyed it also thank you for posting it
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