Reviews for Parallel
piratequeen24 chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
We all have people like that I suppose, so hardly to begrudge an author for writing a story about one. Brilliantly written of course, you really do have a way with words. I might be biased, because your writing style is very near my favorite kind, but you do great work regardless :)
DeadProf chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
I wish this could have a happy sequel.. ;_;
ezcap1st chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Oh. Dear. That was lovely, tragically beautiful. I get this vibe that maybe Grimm knew, maybe he wanted ichigo to confess so that they could be something more... But eh, I'm an avid fangirl so it could just be me.
FelopiasUtopia chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
Ahhhh beautifully written. I don't usually get into angst type writings, but this was absolutely captivating. Thank you for sharing your talent :)
lmaosfomgcslhs chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
First thing,

I enjoyed this so much. The pure angst made me as frustratingly in live with Grimmjow as Ichigo was. You are able to word this in such a pleasing manner. It sounds so sophisticated, and you have quite to vocabulary. You seem to be able to stop a moment in time and draw out the important feelings, but skip seamlessly past the not-so-important parts.

There's only a few mistakes (like verb tense confusion and some spelling errors) but there are very few. And I'm too engrossed in your work to even notice. And I'm not sure if I liked how you introduced the narrator. I love how you finally revealed it to be ichigo (beautiful metaphor), bu I'm not sure I like how far into the story the reader had to go to find it. But at the same time, I feel it's perfect there too. And I love the parallel line metaphor, but I wish such an important portion of the story was used more.

And I'm not one bit disappointed or left empty by the ending. A sad story must have a sad ending, correct? Besides, I'm always a sucker for depressing endings. The happy 'everything turned out perfect' endings are extreemly unrealistic.

Please, continue making such beautiful creations.

*sorry for any mistakes. This is typed on an iPod.
lmaosfomgcslhs chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
First thing,

I enjoyed this so much. The pure angst made me as frustratingly in live with Grimmjow as Ichigo was. You are able to word this in such a pleasing manner. It sounds so sophisticated, and you have quite to vocabulary. You seem to be able to stop a moment in time and draw out the important feelings, but skip seamlessly past the not-so-important parts.

There's only a few mistakes (like verb tense confusion and some spelling errors) but there are very few. And I'm too engrossed in your work to even notice. And I'm not sure if I liked how you introduced the narrator. I love how you finally revealed it to be ichigo (beautiful metaphor), bu I'm not sure I like how far into the story the reader had to go to find it. But at the same time, I feel it's perfect there too. And I love the parallel line metaphor, but I wish such an important portion of the story was used more.

And I'm not one bit disappointed or left empty by the ending. A sad story must have a sad ending, correct? Besides, I'm always a sucker for depressing endings. The happy 'everything turned out perfect' endings are extreemly unrealistic.

Please, continue making such beautiful creations.

*sorry for any mistakes. This is typed on an iPod.
Pie Shaped Cumulus chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
*looks at the computer beseechingly silently begging it for more and hoping that this isn't really the end*

B...b-but I want more... t-that isn't FAAAAAAAAIIIIRRR! NOOOOOOO I want MOOOOOORE!


ANYwho, that was a very very mean way to end...very mean. I love this (even if it's only a little above 2,000 words) you made me get so attached to Ichi within this puny one shot, and you end on such a depressing note...

Now I'm sad...
wff-writer chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
I'm not one for AR... or lengthy chapter filled stories...

But this was too good to be true and so deserves more.

But it stands perfect on it's own.

You have a great grasp of the english language and use it with percision. Loved reading this.

Thanks for writing it.
Doni chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Sad, but incredibly well done.
Renji-sama chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I usually do not like Grimmjow and Ichigo, but the way you went about writing this was fantastic. You captured Grimmjow in a way I have not been able to yet. I sincerely enjoy this a bit more than I should. C: Keep painting pictures with words.
Lioange chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Fantastic! I like the way Ichigo is toubled i wish you'll continue!
AmericanTragedy chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
Im was in an angsty mood n thj i read tha summary n waz all "JACKPOT ANGSTY-NESS I AM HEADING YER WAAAY!" Hehe this waz rlly good:D
bleachitblack315 chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
grevling chapter 1 . 7/30/2011


so hot and yet...

so saaaaad DX


amazing written, but i'm so fucking sad right now D;
Pantera Undone chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
I'm usually not much into this kind of thing, but g*damn, girl, that was impressive. Unhealthy, frightening, and incredible. On the one hand I think it's very interesting as a one-shot. It would probably also be incredible as a series, if you felt like continuing. It feels almost like there could be more, both of the destructive and perhaps some sort of closure. Maybe not.

At any rate, I liked it very much. One or two little grammar oopsies, but all my stuff is the same when I first dash it off, so no worries.
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