Reviews for At the Center
vampire-ghostie chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
Damn you, I have tears in my eyes.

This was so... I don't know. Awesome, but in a really really sad, "ohmigod I wanna curl up in blankets and cry" kind of way. Fabulous job~
goodbyegone chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
First of all, I'll just say how much I enjoyed the flow of your writing. There's a substantial element of winding description that makes it a very enjoyable piece to read. Unlike some atrocious fanfictions I've read today, this one was dramatic, but not overtly melodramatic- you struck a fantastic balance.

However, there are some things embedded within this story that bother me. It's a concept that's been done quite a few times before, and though you've executed it very well (probably one of the better ones if I'm honest) it's a massive staple of the USUK fandom that England goes a bit emotional whenever he thinks of the Revolution so there's been countless fanfictions based upon it. (Which has always annoyed me, as it's historically inaccurate on England's part! Then again, this *is* Hetalia, so I wasn't expecting miracles from the canon, but still.) That's why, when I see something on the Revolution, I try to look out for originality. I don't necessarily see anything here that I haven't seen before.

All in all, I did enjoy reading this, if for aesthetics more than for substance. For a revolutuion-based story to be original anymore in this fandom it has to be taken from a different angle. You clearly have the ability to do so, nevertheless, so please don't take my review as a criticism, but as encouragement.