Reviews for Parent Worries
Blade Asuska chapter 23 . 10/10/2017
That was a great chapter I can't wait until your next update. Though I have a question is Yutaka fighting his beast spirit or is he fighting machinedramon and or gigadrmon?
Zero Unit RGB chapter 23 . 8/13/2017
Most of me is focused on the Tamers side of things. The torrent that almost drowned them reminds me of the water planet from Interstellar. But for the most part, I just found it hilarious how Minami figured out where the key was in the end and everyone's reaction to how ridiculously and unnecessarily easy it was.
RayvenShade chapter 23 . 8/1/2017
Awww, I was hoping for more of the partners to reveal their Rookie Levels. Oh well, next time I guess.

Still no partners for Alice or Minami? Come on! It's about time!

Despite these complaints, nice chapter, keep it up.
missmartian369 chapter 23 . 8/1/2017
Amazing chapter! I can't wait to see how everything goes in part 2, especially with the Savers and the strategy hey thought of to get their plan moving. I hope everything goes well with Yutaka and he frees himself from the cave and beats the metal dragon. It seems that Kai, Alice, and Minami have either unlocked the way to Level 5 or a way to get closer to unlocking the way to get to Level 5. And things are starting to get real for the Adventurer DigiDestined, especially Jun, Jim, Montarou, Momoe, and Chizuru. Hopefully everything goes okay for them and Hiroaki's team.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 22 . 3/28/2017
Hmm, well the choices are interesting for partners. I can see how some will create alternate Digivolutions that'll help.
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 21 . 3/28/2017
Ok, read and loved though I wish Davis could be a General traveling in that new story too. Perhaps he's a mystery old that appears later on to help?
Kailani Mizushima chapter 22 . 3/15/2017

Bring Taki back alreadyyyy. Kind of unfair for Shinya that we know that his brother is alive but not him or anyone else, but i guess it's part of the story.


You're doing a really great job, no one seems to be out of character. Kind of having a hard time remembering all the names hahahahaha.

Anyways continue what you do best!
RayvenShade chapter 22 . 3/12/2017
Ooh, I can see a connection forming. I don't need to be a Shamanmon to see what's going on with Minami. I hope you can get those two some partners soon, they just seem so uninvolved, and I doubt they like it either.

Hmmm, interesting. I don't know, even though I know they'll digivolve to different Digimon, having two Bukamon in the group seems a little weird. But I still can't wait for the next chapter so I can see just what they'll turn into. There won't be duplicates of the other Digidestined's Digimon, will there?

Awww, isn't that sweet. They're becoming like a family. I find ironic that they managed to stop in the spot where both Tommy and Takuya would be remembered the most.

Great chapter! See if you can put some more fighting in the next one.

PS DarkTyrannomon is a champion level, not an ultimate.
MarylandAngels chapter 22 . 3/11/2017
"Keep on climbing though the ground might shake. Just keep on reaching though the limb might break. You gone so far don't you be scared not cause you can learn the fly on the way down." That lyric from a song fit Parent Worries and the Ultimate Gathering of the Digidestined quite well, I think. Don't you?
Anyway keep up with the amazing work!
Also I feel so hard for Shinya, I know how he feels.
See you next time! XD
Blade Asuska chapter 22 . 3/10/2017
Great Chapter :)

Keep up the good work

I feel you don't need to defend your choices for Jim team. Anyone who knows digimon knows digimon have multiple evolution lines and no digimon has an set in stone line .

Again amazing job can't wait till your next update
missmartian369 chapter 22 . 3/8/2017
Great chapter! I love how Umi, Riku, Yutaka, and Shinya are coming together as a team and became friends really fast! I love how Umi is starting to care for Shinya as an older sister, too! I also hope everything goes smoothly with the split teams on the Adventurer side of things when it comes to destroying those control spires. I can't wait to see how the Savers' plan will unfold, whether it's in the next chapter or the one after that.

I'm glad that Alice, Minami, and Kai made it to level 4 and I hope Alice, Minami, or both at the same time get their partners soon! It was also cool to see how the parents in the Tamer world are doing. We haven't heard from them in a little bit. Are you going to show us how things are holding up with the Frontier parents, too? Also, can't wait to see how everyone reacts to Paressemon's back story!

Again awesome chapter and I can't wait for the next update! :):):):)
TaitanoRules555 chapter 22 . 3/8/2017
When will you update your main story?
Mshake12 chapter 22 . 3/8/2017
Please post dm chapter 32 please ok?
mds777 chapter 22 . 3/8/2017
Can't wait to see the other parents and groups reactions to the Savers group. Namely Masaru, his father, and Ikuto. It's not everyday that you meet someone who fights Digimon with their bare hands. See ya and thank you for the update. :)
Zero Unit RGB chapter 21 . 2/26/2017
The Warriors really are off to a great start! But the Dark Ring is a definite cause for concern. Unless Davis's group has talked about it, no one on that side knows about it. Not to mention, it shouldn't have the effects that it did on DarkTyrannomon. But that's what makes this so exciting! As for the siblings on the Adventure side of things, it's going to be interesting. According to the drama CD, all of them except Mantarou became Chosen Children after MaloMyotismon's defeat so I ran with it in my own story and gave them partners. It'll be fun to see what your take on it will be.
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