Reviews for the streets won't sweep themselves
BakaNeko96 chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Wao...This was...sad, for a lack of better adjectives...

Shuck the normal sentences! I FFing cried because you wrote it in such a melancholy way *SOB!*
liplocks chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
omg feelings

the fics with street-sweeper!/garbageman!/never joined the mafia!tsuna always break my heart.

this was wonderfully written, and that ending line, chilling.
thricemurdered chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
Interesting story! I know this wouldn't fit in with the story but expanding on the whole "stranger paying his rent" would have made it more interesting for me~

Maybe you could make a one-shot around that idea? You're choice~~~

Again, very interesting story and very well written! (:
aruyo chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
I was kind of confused with the story title before I started reading, but then I was all like 'GENIUS!' Because it seems kind of symbolic to me, with last paragraph and all. Or maybe I'm just being a dork. Either way.

Street cleaner Tsuna makes me sad, but I agree that it's an interesting idea, and you tell the story really well. I felt kind of sorry for him the entire way through, but in retrospect, this is probably exactly the kind of job he would get if Reborn didn't come along. Poor Tsuna. Well, poor everyone, really, but mostly poor Tsuna. ):
Rosalia Tiri chapter 1 . 8/2/2011

tnx 4 dis!